Farewell to David Sassoli, journalist with a passion for Europe

La great passion for Europe project And the commitment to change that disruptive pressure that he felt had come out in recent years, accompanied him to the end.

David Sassoli he disappeared last night, after another long fight, the one against the disease which had begun some time ago, which unfortunately he was unable to win.

Farewell to David Sassoli

Sassoli was hospitalized since December 26 for the arrival of one severe complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system. Already last year, the President had canceled the appointments from the month of September until the beginning of November due to a “Bad” pneumonia due to the legionella bacterium as he himself had explained in a video published after his recovery. Then he started again, but in October there was a relapse.

He fought to bring the European Parliament closer to the Europeans. Sassoli was a native democrat and has always tried to represent this new identity to the country. He strongly believed in the enlargement of the progressive front also on new political, cultural and social bases “said the spokesman, Roberto Cuillo.

The journalist with a passion for Europe

But that journalist with a passion for battle politics had won another. He had become President of the European Parliament 2 and a half years ago and right there, in the speech of his inauguration in Strasbourg, he had made it clear how he thought and his mission.

Europe is not an accident of history“Adding that” too many had bet on the decline of this project, fueling divisions and conflicts that we thought were a sad reminder of our history “and promising to try to reform it according to what he considered “a duty of being Italian“.

The test to become mayor of Rome

Sassoli was not a politician, he was a journalist who had started with the Asca agency, then moved on to Giorno, Tg3 and then to Tg1. In 2009, then, he wanted to try the leap and by joining the Democratic Party, the election to the Eurochamber arrived with 400 thousand preferences. A record for a rookie. From that moment the heart of his political activity has been above all in Europe.

He also competed in the race for mayor of Rome in 2013, but there he was stopped in the center-left primary, finishing second behind Ignazio Marino. In 2014, however, the Strasbourg Parliament was taken back and then again, for the third time in 2019, when he was also chosen to preside over the classroom.

Von Der Leyen: “David Sassoli a great European and Italian”

«I am deeply saddened by the death of a great European and Italian. David Sassoli he was a passionate journalist, one extraordinary President of the European Parliament and especially a dear friendHe said in a tweet in Italian, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. “My thoughts go out to his family. Rest in peace, dear David ».

Greetings from the staff: “He fought to the last”

“You can live and die in many ways. David Sassoli fought and worked until the end possible instant, inquiring, actively participating in the cause of the common good with indomitable curiosity and passion despite the increasingly precarious state of health, after the temporary recovery some time ago “.

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The politician’s staff wrote it in a post on his page Facebook. Underlining how “for the President of the European Parliament, for the politician Sassoli, for the man David in his private dimension, at the basis of every action, of every behavior, of every choice were, very firmly, the human values ​​of reference: loyalty, coherence, education, respect ».
And adding that «in this moment so sad for many and many Italian and European citizens the strength of his teachings remains intact and its indications: never pretend, never feed controversy, spirals, prejudices, gossip, pettiness“.



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