Farewell to Anna Rita Luceri, comedian who participated in Zelig

S.i is off at only 48 years old Anna Rita Luceri. The comedian from Salento, member of the trio Ciciri and Tria with which he also participated in Zelig conquering the public, she died because of a fulminant illness which she was diagnosed with just two weeks ago. Now her disappearance is making the rounds of the web.

Farewell to Anna Rita Luceri

Brilliant, ironic, funny, Luceri was originally from the province of Lecce. With her colleagues Chicca Sanna and Carla Calò she founded the trio of comedians that became famous on TV. They have dedicated a social post full of affection to her for the last farewell. “Close to us … forever»The colleagues wrote on Facebook, posting a black and white photo of the three smiling, hugging and happy girls.

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From Zelig to You yes que vales

Anna Rita Luceri (Facebook)

The Ciciri and Tria have brought joy and fun not only to Zelig. The three comedians, in fact, were the protagonists of many formats on the small screen: from Colorado to You yes que vales. Anna Rita Luceri was also a good singer, but her great skill was above all laughter: he knew how to have fun and entertain. She will be missed by her audience and her fans, her colleagues and friends of the Ciciri and Tria, her fellow artists. And she will especially miss her family: leaves her husband and daughter.

