Farewell letter found in the home of Yvon K. who was suspected of poison murder

The police found a suicide note in Yvon K.’s house in Tilburg. The Public Prosecution Service reported this on Monday. The woman suspected of murdering supermarket owner Chris Grinwis in Halsteren was found dead in her home earlier in the day. Justice does not comment on the contents of the letter. The court would give its verdict in this murder case on Wednesday.

According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), there is sufficient evidence that K. secretly poisoned her boyfriend with premeditation and therefore demanded a 19-year prison sentence. The Public Prosecution Service has informed Grinwis’ relatives of the death of Yvon K.

The prosecutors in this case said in a statement: “Under Article 69 of the Criminal Code, we cannot prosecute a deceased suspect. So with the death of the suspect, the possibility of delivering justice in this case is blocked. This is very unsatisfactory, because the judge will no longer get around to asking whether she considers it proven that the suspect murdered her boyfriend, Chris Grinwis. This is certainly unpalatable for Grinwis’ relatives.”

The circumstances surrounding K’s death are currently being investigated.

Talking about thoughts of suicide helps. You can call the 113 Suicide Prevention Foundation 24 hours a day on 0900 0113 or chat via and 113.nl.


Poison murder suspect Yvon K. found dead in her home in Tilburg

Due to the sudden death of Yvon K., the truth about ‘poison murder’ never becomes clear
