Far too little is known about the effect of the corona vaccination

By Gunnar Schupelius

The head of the Charité always promoted vaccination against Covid-19. Now he explains that little is known about the vaccine and its effects. This statement is irritating and raises questions, says Gunnar Schupelius.

How effective was the vaccination against Corona and what side effects does the vaccine cause? These questions are still completely open. This was confirmed by the Chairman of the Charité, Heyo K. Kroemer, on March 28 in Berlin.

As a participant in a research summit with the title: “Resolve blockages, seize opportunities” in the Allianz Forum, he expressed himself with astonishing openness. Regarding the vaccine against Covid-19, he said: “We didn’t know how it worked. We don’t know that to this day.” And when asked to what extent side effects were known, he said: “Unfortunately, we don’t know either.” As a reason, he explained: “Because we don’t have electronic patient records.”

The same Charité boss Kroemer had repeatedly called for vaccination. In November 2021 he formulated a passionate appeal. He told of a heavily pregnant woman who died of Corona and whose child could be saved. This child will never get to know his mother, said Kroemer and concluded with the words: “All of this could have been avoided with a prick in the arm.”

How did he know this woman would have survived if she had been vaccinated? He now says that to this day he doesn’t know how the vaccine works, so he didn’t know then either. He made an assertion. And what is even more astonishing: he promoted the vaccination, although the safety report of the Paul Ehrlich Institute had already warned of side effects.

Kroemer apparently ignored this insight. And not only from him. A few weeks after Kroemer’s television appeal, Chancellor Scholz (SPD) claimed at a press conference: “Almost 60 million Germans have now been almost completely vaccinated without us having found out about serious side effects and long-term restrictions.” This claim was not true.

And how does it look today: Is it true when Kroemer says about the extent of the side effects: “Unfortunately, we don’t know either.” Obviously that’s not true either. Numerous symptoms are known to occur as side effects of the corona vaccination. The people affected are queuing in the Covid ambulances. Self-help groups have been set up nationwide to gather knowledge. 3,810 injured parties have reported to two law firms in Düsseldorf and Wiesbaden who want to sue for damages from the manufacturers of the vaccine. 185 civil suits were admitted.

In view of this situation, it is extremely strange when the head of the largest German clinic claims that nothing is known. Doesn’t he want to know anything because he advertised a vaccination without considering the risks and side effects? This suspicion arises.

Kroemer is not an isolated case either. Silence prevails in the medical world when it comes to vaccination, its effectiveness and its side effects. There is no trace of a systematic review. It shouldn’t be what shouldn’t be.

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