Far fewer refugee arrivals in Brandenburg

Only a few refugees arrive at the initial reception center in Eisenhüttenstadt

Only a few refugees arrive at the initial reception center in Eisenhüttenstadt (archive image) Photo: Ralf Gunther

By Michael Sauerbier

Brandenburg expected 26,000 new refugees this year. But since January only 3366 have arrived. Cities and counties still need to provide more housing. Because the country does not want to lower its forecast.

The numbers are clear: Brandenburg’s municipalities took in 5,159 refugees in March last year, most of them from Ukraine. A year later there were only 1401. Since January only 334 Ukrainians have come.

“A good development,” says Jens Graf (60) from the Association of Towns and Municipalities. Because mayors and district administrators complain about the lack of accommodation, school and daycare places.

But the state government does not trust the decline in refugees. The immigration authorities, social affairs, finance and interior ministries are sticking to the high forecast figures.

The reasons:

► the number of illegal entries has doubled compared to the previous year, mainly via Turkey.

► The Ukrainian spring offensive is imminent.

► Poland only gives refugees benefits in kind instead of money.

► Most migrants come in the warm summer months.

That’s why Brandenburg doesn’t want to make a new prediction until the end of May. However, cities and communities want up-to-date figures as quickly as possible. Then they would have to create fewer places for refugees.


Refugees Ukraine
