Fantino also eats and takes guests


“I want you to disconnect from the filth and madness,” asked the charismatic Alejandro Fantino, more like an expression of wish than reality, at the beginning of his new program. After some time away from broadcast television, he debuted on the TV screen. The nine, After twenty years in which he became one of the most representative figures of America. “My word is not the one that counts, it is going to be one more of many and what is going to run here is the conversation,” she anticipated and, congratulations, she delivered.

In a table that mimics the iconic ones by Mirtha Legrandalso met for lunch, this time dinner, with the writer and psychoanalyst José Abadi, to the singer and composer Paz Martínezto the model Sofia Jujuy Jimenezto the actress Ana Acostato the former soccer player Walter Ervitiand to the minister of security of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Berni. Each of them was able to share experiences and opinions without being interrupted or questioned. A rarity in times of tension, shouting and media confusion.

Instead of a professional studio, a couple of halls of the San Miguel Palace, a Buenos Aires space that dates back to the end of the 19th century. Because, then, there was a second part with the economist Javier Milei, in an intimate and relaxed hand-to-hand, which did not escape controversial topics. In the next broadcasts she promised to repeat this type of talks with visits from Sergio Massa and Patricia Bullrichand thus complete the triad of main candidates for the presidency, in the imminent national election.

Although it is said that he expressed his preference for one of them, the fact is that Fantino achieves very good reports on politicians, at least the fairest ones. He lets everyone speak and, in this way, far from the campaign script, he obtains juicy confessions from them. He accomplishes it without stratagems, arrogance, or interruptions. In itself, this generated the greatest interest in seeing it.

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