Fantanews: Sassuolo, Traorè’s overwhelming second round

The Ivorian gives a bonus every 96 minutes, in the last 9 days only Immobile and Osimhen have scored more goals. And against Cagliari, Udinese and Bologna he can expand the spoils

In Sassuolo that grinds goals and points (best attack of 2022 with 28 goals in 13 games) another protagonist is emerging, race after race, in addition to Berardi. The performance of Hamed Traorè (27 million) is overwhelming: a sensational continuity, the Ivorian is certainly among the top of the second round for offensive production. A transformation from ugly duckling to swan unthinkable after a decidedly subdued first round, lost between physical problems and tactical mistakes.

an extraordinary 2022

The new year brought a dowry to the Neroverde outside a not at all evil loot: also involving the Italian Cup in the calculation, the number 23 neroverde took the field ten times for a total of 771 minutes played, 7 goals scored and an assist put on the report. A bonus every 96 minutes for Traorè who set up on his own, among others, against Juventus, Inter, Roma, Fiorentina and Atalanta. Almost four successful dribbles per game. In the tactical chessboard designed by Dionisi he replaced – with exaggerated concreteness – Boga. And, for a strange twist of fate, on Sunday there was an exchange of witnesses with the challenge against the Orobics. And guess who was Traore marking at the time of the first goal? Yes, just Boga. Almost a perfect conclusion to the circle.

fantasy football management

After a bad first round, therefore, Traorè found himself. In the last nine days of the championship, only Immobile and Osimhen have scored more goals than the Ivorian (7 against 6). The Sassuolo calendar includes three complicated crossings (Juventus, Napoli and Milan) but also three matches within reach (Cagliari, Udinese and Bologna) where Traorè can expand his bonus haul. It is therefore impossible not to focus on the qualities of the neroverde player in this final of the season, given that he is one of the most active elements and therefore great things can be expected in these last few matches. To you the choice.
