Fans can’t look ahead at Flikken Maastricht because of corona | show

Fans of the NPO hit series Cops Maastricht can no longer look forward to NPO Plus, the streaming service of the NPO from this week. Until now, fans of the series about the two agents in Maastricht could watch a new episode online for a week in advance. But corona throws a spanner in the works, the NPO says on its website.

“Unfortunately, because of corona, that is no longer possible this season,” the makers report. ‘Not all episodes of Cops Maastricht season 16 are fully shot and edited. This is common, a season is almost never completely finished before the first episode airs on TV. Corona is now causing too many challenges on the set of Flikken Maastricht, making it no longer feasible to offer episodes on NPO Plus.’

NPO and AVROTROS recognize that this is annoying for the hundreds of thousands of loyal fans who see the series in this way. But we also hope for your understanding. We are still on TV every week on Friday… and soon you can listen to the long-awaited Flikken podcast!’

The series, which recently started its sixteenth season, follows the concerns of detectives Floris Wolfs and Eva van Dongen. The leading roles are played by Victor Reinier, Angela Schijf, Oda Spelbos and Sergio Romero IJssel. Cops Maastricht won the Gouden Televizier-Ring a few years ago.

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