Fanatic ‘walking korfball’ with people over 55: “Take it easy, running is not allowed!”

Three groups of over 55s are already training at korfball club Koog Zaandijk (KZ) and if it is up to chairman Corrie Noom, another one will be added. Today, a group completed a ten-day trial, with participants trying out a different sport each day. Occasional trainer Piet Hein Havik is happy with it: “The talents vary, but everyone is enthusiastic.”

Fanatic korfball with people over 55: “Take it easy, running is not allowed!” – NH News

The figures of the survey showed that it is urgently necessary to get people to exercise Zo Sport Netherlands 2021 of the NOC*NSF. This led to the conclusion: we can say that the Netherlands is dealing with an exercise crisis.

They also noticed this at KZ: “Especially among the youth,” says Havik. “Because we couldn’t do school korfball for two years. We succeeded for the first time this week, then a few hundred children walk across the field. We also find that very pleasant, because that way you also get new members in. But if you can’t get acquainted with it, then you stay at home. That’s just how it goes.”

Meanwhile, things are pretty fanatical on the field. Hawk even has to intervene: “Take it easy, now you’re going for a run. You can walk fast, but don’t run!”

Group fell apart

A man in a bright green shirt tosses a ball and says, “I missed walking football last week. I thought it was a shame, I would have loved to try that. I’m looking for something to do once or twice a week right now. I took part in a sport, but that is no longer possible due to corona: the entire group has fallen apart.”

Sportbedrijf Zaanstad is also trying to get acquainted with sports with people over 55, says association supporter Simon den Heeten. “You see it in the numbers and also in locations, you meet more overweight people. We also try to reach the target group that generally doesn’t like sports very much by combining it with other activities.” So in this case with the Sports introduction10 days: ten different sports, ten weeks for ten euros.

“It also provides us with members who are enthusiastic and want to do something for the club”

Chairman Koog Zaandijk Corrie Noom

Chairman Corrie Noom adds: “It’s just good. We know that there needs to be more exercise in the Netherlands. So the elderly can also exercise here, we now have three groups and we hope that there will be four. It will also provide us with members who are also enthusiastic to watch the matches and who do something for the club. That is a very nice combination.”

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