Fan furious after canceling Stones concert: ‘I will go to Frans Bauer from now on’

While some of the fans were already present in the Amsterdam ArenA, it was announced on Monday evening that the last Rolling Stones concert in the Netherlands was cancelled. Mick Jagger had just tested positive for corona. Not all fans understood the situation.

Written by

Malini Witlox

In front of the cameras of SBS6, live in Shownieuws, a clearly Brabant woman reacts furiously to the cancellation.

“I will go to Frans Bauer from now on, he is always healthy,” she says full of emotion. She has no understanding of the situation. “You shouldn’t put a test in your nose at night, then you should do it in the morning. You know how I’ve been looking forward to this, I can cry. I had to go up all those cunt stairs, you know how tired I am. And then they say it’s not going on, there I am.”

“I’m going to have a party here.”

However, it soon turns out that she is not too tired to explore Amsterdam. “What am I supposed to do now? I’m not going home. I’m going to have a party here.”

The video went viral on social media. For example, someone speaks of ‘intriguing television’. “I was also disappointed yesterday. But to go to Frans Bauer is just about right,” says another Stones fan. “Has Mick Jagger responded yet? “Oh no, not Frans Bauer!! We can never compete with Frans!”, says another.

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Mick Jagger is also a fan of Frans Bauer himself:

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