Famous painting by Gustav Klimt defaced with black paint in Vienna | Art & Literature

“Restorers are working to determine whether the painting, which is protected by glass, is damaged,” spokesman Klaus Pokorny told AFP. The action was claimed by the ‘Letzte Generation’ (Last Generation). The climate group also shared photos and footage of the action on Twitter.

“People who are still searching and drilling for new oil and gas have blood on their hands. There can be no fine art if there is dirty money involved!”, the climate group said.

In recent weeks, climate activists have successfully glued themselves to works of art in various European museums. At the end of October, in the Mauritshuis in The Hague, the Netherlands, Belgians were involved in such an action, in which they glued themselves to Johannes Vermeer’s work of art ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’. During the same period, climate activist Phoebe Plummer threw tomato soup on Vincent van Gogh’s painting ‘Sunflowers’ in The National Gallery in London. The climate activists use this technique to draw attention to “the destruction of our world”.
