Famous in the ring | News

Local entertainment is no stranger to airing its intimacies on screens or on social networks. In total overexposure times, celebrities understand that to remain part of the system they must remain in the spotlight, and that talking about their private lives is part of that tacit pact. Thus, divorces are resolved sooner on a television set than in court, or pregnancies are published on social networks before the parents themselves confirm the situation.

But now local celebrities use another method to get people talking about them and, at the same time, generate media disputes that capture the public’s attention. We no longer talk about separations between couples, but about friends. Divorces of friendships between celebrities They are the new phenomenon to which the local star system is subjected. Thus, instead of ending relationships and moving on with their lives, famous people choose to put together a novel with the end of their friendship ties, airing intimacies, throwing out chicanery and hints and contributing a new detail or in each media appearance. condiment to continue with the saga, as if it were a soap opera in chapters.


Zaira Nara and Paula Chaves They were, a few years ago, one of the most recognized couples of friends. Their relationship transcended the merely professional to the point that they used to vacation together with their families, and the youngest of the Nara sisters is the godmother of one of Cháves’ daughters with Pedro Alfonso. But that idyllic bond was broken. Their photos together on social media suddenly disappeared and they stopped throwing flowers at each other when they gave interviews.

We are at an impasse for private things that we both decided not to say. Nothing specific happened to give it a title, it’s not like saying ‘this happened and that’s why we distanced ourselves,’” said Cháves, avoiding giving details, one of the first times he referred to the situation. But as time went by, both Nara and her did not miss the possibility of continuing to feed the soap opera.

Thus, as the days went by, they both recognized that the breakup was due to Zaira beginning a romantic relationship with the polo player. Facundo Pieres, who had been Cháves’ boyfriend thirteen years ago. “I have certain codes whereby if a friend tells me ‘zero problem’, move on,’” Nara said, putting the responsibility on her former friend. “Our paths are no longer on the same page,” was the response on Instagram from Cháves, who answers questions about this topic on her social network almost every week and who, unlike Nara, seemed more hurt by the end of friendship.

“Every important change that a person goes through throughout their life is followed by a grieving stage“, psychologist specializing in cognitive therapy Jesica Castriota explains to NEWS, who highlights that these situations are not exclusive to breakups, but rather happen to any experience that a person goes through.

But while he mourns the end of his friendship with Zaira Nara, Cháves must also attend to another front. Ximena Capristo explained that she also cut off her friendship with her. Without hesitation, the former “Big Brother” participant gave details of all the details of the end of the relationship and also whitewashed another truncated friendship: hers with Sabrina Rojas.

Luciano Castro

According to the latter, Capristo was “spicy” while she was with her ex-partner Luciano Castro They were going through a difficult time that ended in separation. Faithful to this dynamic of airing all the details in chapters, Capristo responded on Instagram denying everything, although it is not close to being the last word since the two continued to hint at each other. Rojas, as a panelist on “El Debate del Bailando”, in America, and Capristo, a guest on “LAM”, on the same channel, took advantage of their television presence to continue fueling the morbidity around the end of their relationship.


These fights are not exclusive to the new generations. Patricia Sosa and Valeria Lynch They find themselves in the middle of a dialectical battle that includes televised accusations and reproaches and that seems to have no end. “Let him continue selling tickets by talking about me,” said Lynch in the last episode of the chicanes who shoot each other in each public appearance.

The two singers, once friends, who even shared the stage, are now at enmity. And when they are consulted, they sow doubts about what made their relationship go from one extreme to the other.

Baron, Maradona and Osvaldo

At the moment neither of the two artists reached the point of dedicating a song to their former friend, but the one who did venture into this method is Jimena Baron. The singer dedicated a piece of music to her former close friend Giannina Maradona, after the daughter of “Diez” betrayed her by starting a romantic relationship with Barón’s ex-partner, Daniel Osvaldo. “She was my friend and now she is with the father of my son,” the actress also commented on the end of the relationship that united them. But, without a doubt, the highest point of the exchange of reproaches was when she released her song “The Spider”, in which she directly points at Maradona. “Who would have thought? Who would have imagined? “That in the end my friend, the one who loved me so much, cheated on me,” Barón wrote about the fact that, while her friend advised her to leave Osvaldo, a romantic relationship was born between the soccer player and her.

I could never forgive her“, the singer continued attacking, in the face of Giannina’s responses that only managed to justify that barely part of the story was known. Now, every public appearance of Barón includes the obligatory question about this situation that causes the scandal to escalate again.

From love to hate there is only one step and the truncated friendships of the celebs prove it. From one day to the next, without transitions, what is an unconditional relationship can end up turning into spite and televised attacks. Welcome to the era of endless media fights.

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