Family of deceased refugee baby in the Netherlands calls in a lawyer: “She hardly gets any answers” ​​| Abroad

The NetherlandsThe family of the deceased baby in the Dutch application center Ter Apel cannot live with the conclusion of the Public Prosecution Service that the three-month-old child did not die as a result of a crime. The family has engaged a lawyer to ensure that the Public Prosecution Service draws the correct conclusions.

The family’s attorney, Richard Korver, announced this on Monday. “The family has a lot of questions and hardly gets any answers,” says Korver. The family – whose origin is unknown – is very touched by the death of Sem.

Last month the baby died in the Ter Apel registration center in the north of the Netherlands, near the border with Germany. After an initial investigation by the technical investigation department and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), and witness interrogations, the Public Prosecution Service concluded last week that the baby did not die as a result of violence.

On behalf of the family, Master Korver wants to see the research results for himself. “I want to assess myself or have an expert assess whether the conclusions are correct. It wouldn’t be the first time the Public Prosecution Service has been wrong.”

However, the conclusion of the Public Prosecution Service is not yet final. The investigation by the forensic institute will take another six to nine months. Only then will a final judgment be given. Because the social unrest surrounding Sem’s death was great, the Public Prosecution Service chose to issue a preliminary judgment last week.

Research into possible causes

How Sem did die is still being investigated by two other parties: the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate, and the Justice and Security Inspectorate. They look at all aspects that may have played a role in the death, such as the available care and living conditions. It is also checked whether there is a medical cause and whether care has been provided previously. It is not yet known when their research results can be expected.

Three-month-old Shem passed away at the end of last month. This led to shocked reactions, both in the Netherlands and internationally.
