Family Law | The Government turns the page on the ‘shock’ of the ‘only yes is yes’ with the promotion of the family law

On at 08:16


The process to approve this norm is expected to be tortuous, however, and this Monday he left a warning: PSOE and Unidas Podemos prevented ERC from presenting an amendment to the entirety and complicating the future of the law

Unidas Podemos has proposed to move forward however, and as soon as possible, the new family lawParliamentary sources have informed El Periódico de España, from the Prensa Ibérica group. This is the latest emblematic norm of the ministries of the “morada” formation, in this case of Social Rights, directed by Ione Belarra. After the setback of “only yes is yes”, it is a bet and an urgency.

The socialist group will make it so. It is not leading the negotiation with the groups for now, since that role has been assumed by United We Can, but will help drive the norm. They are working hand in hand, which, after the fracture that the law of ‘only yes is yes’ has opened, is a sign of harmony that should be highlighted.

This Monday the ERC representatives were able to experience it. Those of the PNV, more than experiencing it, suffered it. The following happened. The deadline for submitting amendments to the entire family law ended at mid-afternoon. That Aitor Esteban’s group to register one was within the schedule because the Basque nationalists, weeks ago, informed the Government that they did not like the competence delimitation.

Nerves flourished when ERC informs the Executive parties that they will present another. If the rejections of the right, from the PP to Cs, are joined by those of two crucial parliamentary allies, the star law of Ione Belarra, perhaps more than that of animal welfare, would be excessively twisted. dangerous ground. PSOE and Unidas Podemos get down to work to dissuade Esquerra.

The Republican interlocutors argue their “no” in the area of ​​competence of the law, clearly invasive, according to their criteria. Unidas Podemos seeks solutions within the content of the project. At the same time, the government makes a key move. Minutes before the end of the term, he uses his majority in the Congress Table to request an extension of the period for presenting amendments to the entirety and to the articles of the norm. You had to save time as was.

The Congress Table is not meeting. In fact, it does not plan to do so this Tuesday, as usual, since the president, Meritxell Batet, is on an official trip to the Czech Republic. However, she can process the extensions if the majority requests it, that is, PSOE and Unidas Podemos, that is, the Government. It is irregular with such a small margin, but it is valid. Outcome: extension until May 4.

Once the burden of time has been cleared up, the parties break down the content and reach some compromises. ERC decides to avoid the amendment in its entirety, Cadena SER advances and later parliamentary sources confirm this medium. The PNV explodes, however. Aitor Esteban publishes a tweet of indignation.

Esquerra’s “glove” is a first step, without a doubt, but far from it is the law saved, add sources who knew the negotiation. From now on, Pablo Echenique’s group will have to iron out the differences, which are essentially jurisdictional. The PSOE will help.

electoral trick

One of the sources consulted indicates that the initial idea with the family law was more ambitious. He happened to squeeze the deadlines and try to fine-tune the law before the regional and municipal elections on May 28. But this Monday it was ruled out, as has been said.

It was enough for an opposition group to register an amendment to the whole of the norm to ruin the initial claim of United We Can. That has already been done by the PNV. The approval of the norm before 28-M, the day of the polls, will not take place. Seeing how the mood is in other formations, ERC without going any further, it is impossible.

The Government does not hide its desire to turn its own laws into its best electoral assets. These are regulations that, after all, affect the daily life of citizens, their daily economy. The housing bill, to go to the recent, will be approved next Thursday in the plenary session of Congress and will end up in the Senate, where an express procedure is predicted. One more.

The one for families has just begun its journey. There are no indications yet that the Government is going to impose a high rate of processing, as has been the case for housing, but United We Can have it ready before june. The PSOE is not opposed. Two sources from the Social Rights Commission of Congress, which is where the parliamentary process will be housed, point out that they learned of this claim a few days ago. “They want to go full throttle,” says one. “Before June 30, when the session ends, they want to approve it,” says another.

The calculations consist, according to the sources consulted, of promoting the negotiations on specific issues of the project in early May. In the meantime, the debate and the vote on the amendments to the entirety will be held in plenary session. May 11, Thursday, is looming as a more than probable date. For that day the positions should be much clearer.

The family law will be the first major initiative that the Executive moves after the May elections, one of the sources points out. “It is very important for United We Can”, illustrates a deputy framed in one of the leftist parliamentary groups. “We don’t want to go crazy with the content, you have to study it well, but that does not imply pause. The idea is to go quickly,” adds another source.

Three permissions: more conciliation

The Government has arrived with some scratches to the pre-campaign of May 28. The reform of the “only yes is yes” law & rdquor; that the PSOE is saving thanks to the support of the PP has generated the loudest crisis since the coalition was formed, in January 2019. And there have been frictions, a few.

Nothing like the clash over the law to guarantee sexual freedom, sponsored by Irene Montero. The Minister for Equality assumed the political-parliamentary defeat last Thursday, when Congress endorsed the PSOE’s reform proposal. It was a bad drink. The Senate will give the “ok” final this wednesday next, as long as it does not introduce changes in the wording. Another bad drink.

To overcome them as soon as possible, United We Can is going to turn to the family law. Its main measures spur the “purple”. The project recognizes LGTBI families, families with members with disabilities, multiple families, adoptive, reconstituted or foster families. In addition, it allows unmarried couples to access 15 days of permission per registration.

In the conciliation are the most compelling novelties. create the law three permissions: for care of 5 days a year, in cases of accident or serious illness, hospitalization or surgical intervention without hospitalization that requires rest, both of a relative up to the second degree and of a cohabitant; parental of 8 weeks; and due to force majeure, up to 4 days a year, for urgent and unforeseeable family reasons. Likewise, the Government will mobilize a rent of 100 euros per month For families with children up to 3 years old.

There are only a few months left for the general elections and it is common for the new regulations to get lost in the avalanche typical of the end of the legislature. The waiting list is long. But United We Can has decided Push
