Family has to get by with 160 euros during immersion week

Family has to get by with 160 euros during immersion week

A useful experience, because poverty is also increasing in Ingelmunster due to the crisis. The social house welcomes a quarter more people.

The Bruneel-Debruyne family is one of the families who have to get by on 160 euros this week. Eva Debruyne: “It feels like it will work, but it remains very uncertain. It actually creates constant pressure. You have to constantly count and plan.”

And that’s what more and more families really need to do. The Social House in Ingelmunster sees an increase in applications. Katrien Vandecasteele, Alderman for Social Affairs Ingelmunster: “The intake interviews have increased by a quarter since September. The application for food distribution has increased by 20%. The questions about energy, all kinds of questions, have also increased by more than half since June .” (read more below the photo)

The Bruneel-Debruyne family now reads books instead of watching television. And instead of downloading the computer game Minecraft, Boudewijn plays it with his Lego blocks. Since last night, the children think it’s cool, but of course it’s not fun to live in poverty either. Reinald Bruneel: “There are no snacks and the food is simple. We eat macaroni, ham rolls and mashed potatoes. We eat it because it is less expensive.”
