Family dinner Bert is very disappointed with the NPO: ‘So much work for this!’

Bert van Leeuwen, the man who solves all kinds of arguments in The Family Dinner, is terribly disappointed with the NPO. They gave him a horror time slot. “Of course I think it’s a shame.”

© EO

Bert van Leeuwen’s arguing program is terrible at times juicy, but he also makes very dry television. For example, he is currently on the channel with Soep, Sores and Soelaas, in which he ‘seeks hope and inspiration from people who are pushed to the margins of our society’. In other words: sleep-inducing.

“Shame, huh?”

Those television bosses at the NPO apparently had no interest in this at all and put Bert away in the afternoon programming. That program is now on the channel every Monday at 4:30 PM, when there are only some stray orphan cats in front of the TV. Very sad for Bert, but understandable.

Bert doesn’t like it, he says Weekend. “It’s a shame, that’s really a shame. At that time you will be happy if you get more than 200,000 viewers.”

Bert is disappointed

Well, even with delayed viewing, the score remains stuck around 100 thousand. Bert: “Now I have to say that I am in a phase of my career and life where I am no longer very concerned about that. It’s just a super nice program to make and I’m having enough fun with that.”

But, he continues: “I wouldn’t be surprised if these programs were broadcast in the evening. Of course I think it’s a shame that it’s not for the general public, but these are the best things to do.”

Labor intensive

Worst of all, this program (Soup, Sores and Solaas) is incredibly labor-intensive to create. He’s just busy all day long. “Absolute. You can say that it is labor intensive, because it is only for five half-hour broadcasts. (…) When I see the viewing figures, I think: too bad.”

Fortunately, Het Familiediner does have a nice broadcasting location. “After all these years, a new element is added. Sometimes people have a reason other than a conflict to register, so we will also help people who want a family dinner for a very special reason. For example, because of illness or because someone lives very far away.”
