Family and acquaintances search in and along the canal for missing Dyshento (20)

Family and acquaintances of the missing Dyshento are looking for the 20-year-old man on Monday evening, they are searching along the Wilhelmina Canal in Tilburg. The police are also present with at least ten officers at the Moerse Pad to help with the search. The man has been missing since Sunday morning.

The man is said to have cycled along the canal on his way home Sunday morning. He was present at a party on Benthuizenstraat in the night from Saturday to Sunday. His Snapchat was last online at a quarter to six, along the canal at Leidschendamstraat, the police said on Monday.

About 25 citizens join the search for Dyshento. They are divided into groups, each group also has a police officer. The search started around 7:30 am. They search along the canal.

On Monday evening, the RHWW Foundation also searched for several hours with twelve people and ten rescue dogs in and along the canal. This happened near the Dongensekanaaldijk.

Dogs and heat
“We searched this place at the request of the family,” says Louise Smits Jansen. She is chairman of the RHWW foundation. She indicates that nothing has been found at that time.

“Because of the heat, the dogs are now too tired to search further. The police will resume the search on Tuesday. If we are needed again, we will be called up.”

Green-black ladies bike
Dyshento has not been heard from since early Sunday morning. He cycled on a green-black ladies’ bicycle. He was wearing a white shirt, blue shorts with holes and white Nikes at the time of his disappearance. The police indicated on Monday afternoon that they had searched various places, including the route along the canal.

ALSO READ: Concerns about missing Dyshento (20), last signal came from the channel
