Fake websites pretend to be online banks

Contacts related to scams have almost doubled, says Insurance and financial advice.

Fake websites posing as online banks have become more common based on contacts received by Insurance and Financial Advice. Illustration image. Karoliina Paavilainen

Customers are being cheated on fake websites that look like online banks, says Insurance and financial advice Fine in its press release.

Contacts related to fraud cases have almost doubled compared to the previous year. There have been a total of 450 contacts about scams, says Fine.

For scam sites

Most often, customers are led to fraudulent pages that look like the bank’s online bank.

– When the customer enters his bank ID on the site, the criminals use this information to start using the identification application of the bank in the customer’s name on their own device, Fine’s division manager Tuomas Hiden says.

After gaining access to the bank’s mobile application, the criminal can change the customer’s security limits, transfer money and apply for credit.

– If the customer has access to, for example, the accounts of family members, the funds in these accounts are also at risk. The damages can be really big, says Hidén.

Many ways to cheat

There are many ways to cheat.

For example, fraudulent websites are inserted into the search results of search engines, and in the Tori.fi service one appears as a buyer and is asked to log in to the courier service’s website via a link. Scam messages are also sent to people in the name of, for example, the bank and the tax administration.

You have to be careful with your own card and bank ID information.

– You should never log into the online bank via a link in a text message or e-mail or a search engine, but you should type the address of the bank’s website into the browser yourself, Hidén says.
