Fake nurse Leroy S. treated vulnerable patients: TBS and cell demanded

The fact that patients in the Jeroen Bosch Hospital were not injured by the actions of fake nurse Leroy S. is not due to him, according to the Public Prosecution Service. “We call that popularly said: lucky. Patients have been extremely lucky,” the prosecutor said in the Den Bosch court on Tuesday morning.

Without proper papers, S. would have administered antibiotics, morphine, fluids and oxygen to vulnerable patients. According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), he very consciously took a high risk that patients would suffer serious health damage. That is why, according to the judiciary, he must receive a tbs and a prison sentence of 2 years. But also a professional ban of 5 years and his name should be mentioned in full in the judgment.

The 27-year-old Leroy S. from Rosmalen heard the sentence on Tuesday morning unmoved and sitting upright.

During the first corona wave in 2020, the man worked as a nurse at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital (JBZ) in Den Bosch from March 19 to April 8. He took advantage of the crisis atmosphere that prevailed in the JHA. There was a major shortage of staff and there were many critically ill corona patients.

“He’s nothing more than a crook. A charlatan.”

S. responded at the time after a call for help from the JBZ. During an intake interview, he pretended to be better than he was. For example, S. lied that he had completed a higher vocational education, Nursing 4. In reality, she had first aid training and five months of care training.

Because the situation in the JBZ was so dire, he was accepted more quickly after the intake. Justice is very angry with S. for lying and cheating: “He talked his way into the hospital with nice stories. He is nothing more than a fraud. A charlatan,” said the officer.

De Rosmalenaar worked 3 night shifts in the corona department and 6 night shifts in the emergency department. He would have administered medication, fluid and oxygen. He also treated people who were so ill that they could no longer be approached. But also patients who were rushed in by ambulances.

“I didn’t endanger anyone with it.”

S. himself stated that the tasks he performed were “not rocket science.” “I have not endangered anyone with it,” he said on Monday during the first day of the session. Justice sees it differently: the actions he performed would be ‘very risky’. According to the Public Prosecution Service, S. deliberately took the risk that people would be seriously injured.

However, research shows that there is no connection between S.’s actions and the health status of patients. “But the fact that no one has been harmed is not a credit to the suspect,” says the Public Prosecution Service. “We call that popular: being lucky. Patients have been extremely lucky.”

In April 2020, S. was fired and arrested. Then it came to light that S. had lied about his education. Upon his arrest, police found stolen medical equipment, such as a heart monitor.

“He is a pathological liar and seeks out exciting situations.”

The suspect had been in jail for 289 days and was examined in the Pieter Baan Center (PBC) after his arrest. De Rosmalenaar had a ‘very problematic childhood’ and was in a boarding school from the age of fourteen.

The research shows that S. is narcissistic with antisocial traits. “He is a pathological liar and seeks out exciting situations.” The likelihood of recurrence is high, the prosecutor summed up. Partly for this reason, intensive psychological treatment and supervision are necessary, according to the Public Prosecution Service.

The sentence was against the sore leg of lawyer Arthur van den Biezen, who assists Leroy S.. “It is very large,” says Van den Biezen.


Fake nurse Leroy S. has ‘no idea’ why he lied

Ex-colleague of fake nurse: “There were uniforms everywhere at his house”

Fake nurse Leroy S. also applied at the ETZ in Tilburg
