Fake bank employee from Assen arrested for fraud

A 25-year-old Assenaar has been arrested for fraud. The man approached victims by phone as a bank employee, tricking them into giving them their private information.

The scammer told his victims that suspicious transactions were taking place in their bank accounts, which required immediate action. The victims were then required to download a program onto their computers that allowed the scammer to access their computers. He then funneled money from the victims into ‘secure bank accounts’. In reality, the money was funneled into an account that the suspect could access. In this way the Assenaar could come into possession of the money of the injured party.

The cyber team of the Zeeland-West-Brabant police has been investigating money flows and other digital data since December 2021, after at least five injured parties made a report. The suspect Assenaar came into the picture. Various goods, including data carriers, were seized from the house where he stayed. The suspect will be questioned in the coming days.
