Faex Pop-up Tour 2023 presents 25 slow fashion labels

Just in time for Fashion Revolution Week, the Faex Retail concept (short for Fashion Exchange) is once again bringing slow fashion labels such as Natural Bohemian from Ingolstadt and Tata Christiane from Berlin to various German cities. Faex founder Ingo Müller-Dormann has been doing this since 2019 and was inspired by band tours. “Designers are also artists, and you should actually go on tour with them,” Müller-Dormann told FashionUnited at the time.

Meanwhile, Faex not only works with retailers, but also with cities, who appreciate that the pop-ups bring cultural life to the city center with designer fashion. In addition, Faex also serves the demand for independent labels, which are often difficult to access, especially in smaller cities.

“At Natural Bohemian you will find products that reduce your ecological footprint. The materials consist of renewable raw materials from Europe. The creative process for the creation of the products takes place in Ingolstadt. Designer Sandra works with a local seamstress and a non-profit organization,” says Faex about the Ingolstadt label.

A total of 25 independent labels are taking part in the latest pop-up tour, including Acephala, Angels Ambition, Atelier 16, Aziz Habak, Blaucraut, Confashion, Doublethewears, Et Al, Evgenia Scherer, Format, Frozen Hibiscus, Kalani Maika, and Körber Mode , La.Luka Berlin, Ma Mey, Natural Bohemian, NIX, Pilat, Portance, Ruß & Phosphor Stoffrausch and Tata Christiane.

Berlin is kicking off the Gallery Weekend and opening the Faex pop-up store from April 27th to 30th in the Heckmann-Höfen in Berlin-Mitte. Then it continues from May 3rd to 6th in the concept department store Karl in Fulda, followed by Usedom in the boutique Chic & Légère on June 10th.

Further stops are Bremen from June 13th to 17th, Berlin Fashion Week from July 11th to 15th, Bremen Fashion Days from August 22nd to 26th, Berlin Art Week from September 13th to 17th and Freiburg Fashion Days from September 26th to 23rd.

Further pop-ups are also planned in Lübeck, Wolfsburg, Düsseldorf, Mainz, Karlsruhe and Tübingen.
