Faeser warns of attacks on energy infrastructure

From BZ/dpa

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has warned of attacks on energy infrastructure in Germany.

“We must be prepared against possible attacks on gas terminals and other critical infrastructure,” the SPD politician told BILD am Sonntag. Against the background of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, she referred to protection against cyber attacks. But there would also be new tasks: “We have to control the movements of Russian ships in the North and Baltic Seas and guard the new liquid gas terminals.”

In the interview, the minister highlighted further challenges: “And in addition to the Russian threat, it is also about fighting extremism with all your might: We are alarmed by the attempts by left-wing extremists to instrumentalize climate protests. We take that very seriously. On the other hand, of course, we continue to see the danger from the right.”

more on the subject

Representatives of security authorities had repeatedly expressed concern that extremists could try to exploit protests for their own purposes, such as Reichsbürger in the corona pandemic. Brandenburg’s head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Jörg Müller, warned that extremists could take advantage of the energy crisis and high inflation. But there are also warnings against infiltrating organizations.

Hamburg’s head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Torsten Voss, said recently that he was concerned about a change in strategy in the post-autonomous scene, which was trying to sneak into organizations on widely discussed issues. “There is the violence-oriented interventionist left in the front line, which exploits popular topics such as sea rescue, commitment to environmental destruction, right-wing extremism or high rents for themselves.”

Thousands of climate activists demonstrated in Hamburg over the weekend to draw attention to the consequences of climate change. The protest was directed, among other things, against the planned liquefied natural gas terminals. In the course of the demonstrations, there were also road and rail blockades. Before that, there was a protest camp lasting several days in the Hanseatic city. More than 30 groups were involved, including Fridays for Future Hamburg, the Green Youth Hamburg, but also the Interventionist Left.
