Factual Argentina | News

Life gave me the chance to travel the world, allowing me to visit different countries and cities. And in each region that I visited, I managed to learn and study different types of needs and cultural aspects that allowed me to identify great opportunities, Alejandro Canton tells us.

How was the Factual Argentina project born?

It was born after a sleepless night, after a trip I took in March 2019 to Chicago USA. Where I visited one of the largest exhibitions of bazaar products in the world.

After visiting 5 venues, one per day, with more than 1,200 exhibitors and not finding at least one Argentine company showing a national product, it aroused great concern in me.

Upon my return in mid-March 2019, my nights began to lengthen, unable to sleep due to the search for a plan that would allow Argentina to change its productive matrix.

What is the strategy that I generate from this awakening?

The plan would be to earn more than what is spentbased on the generation of wealth coming from thousands of entrepreneurs and SMEs, based on two principles, the generation of exports or import substitution.

Let us consider that each person who enters the production system, if they develop an idea and put it into practice, would generate a vacancy in the dependency relationship system, not to mention that when the project prospers, it will require human resources.

This is how I designed a plan, I drew up a strategy, I planned to build a community of Argentines, who interact with each other, to be able to generate added value quickly and effectively.

It was in the early morning of May 14, 2019, I created the first video on Instagram where I recorded the beginning of what Argentina Fáctica is today.

It is clear that we are not going to be able to sell cell phones to the Chinese, but we will be able to sell products based on our barbecue culture, processed foods either indigenous products such as our processed wools.

How does Argentina Fáctica project in the medium term?

Our objective is to look for virtues of our country, that are not being exploited, to generate added value and give ourselves a competitive opportunity with the rest of the world.

Today Argentina Fáctica is becoming a Foundation, we have a federal presence and currently we have created umbrella brands that bring together product and service companies and thus generate exports or import substitution. Some of them are Grill Spirit, Patagonia Spirit, San Juan Valley. This is how Argentina Fáctica has managed to send products to 4 of the 5 continents, we have nodes in many countries and we continue to grow in exports.

Argentina Factual It is a project that seeks to generate a paradigm shift in the country, where wealth comes from thousands of entrepreneurs and SMEs who are encouraged to create, innovate and export. We want Argentina to be recognized for its quality, its diversity and its potential,” concludes Canton.



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