Factories that have large clothing labels in style for workers’ protests in Bangladesh | Buitenland

Tientallen textile factories the works for large western clothing groups are located in Bangladesh de productie stilgelegd. The factories wanted their slaves because of workers’ protest. This is a valid contractual agreement.

In Bangladesh, dozens of workers on the street came from higher iron. The demonstrations are suffering soms dead. In the Gazipur and Ashulia industries, in the city of Dhaka, the factories, buses and corners were damaged.

Volgens de politie hebben at least driehonderd factories deuren moeten sluiten door het protest. Vakbondsvoorzitter Kalpona Akter spreekt zelfs van zeshonderdtal gesloten sites. This is based on “the largest factories in the country, which are available in all major western countries”, including Gap, Walmart, H&M, Zara, Levi’s, Marks and Spencer, Primark and Aldi, among others.


Volgens de politie hebben de gewelddadige betogingen al aan at least 2 worbeiders het leven kost. All cafeterias are well-equipped. The workers will have the minimum amount of work done, from 8,300 taka (70 euros) to 23,000 taka (190 euros). The loonsverhoging is volgens hen noodzakelijk om de stevige stijging van the costs voor levensonderhoud op te vangen.

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, which unites the factory owners, had a loons transfer with only 25 percent advance payment.

Bangladesh is the largest clothing producer in the world, China. Bijna four million cafeterias, voornamelijk vrouwen, works in ongeveer 3,500 factories in the country. The sector is one of the most important sources of income for Bangladesh.
