Facial filler migration: what it is and why it happens

ggenerally hyaluronic acid does not migrate: the fillers, if well executed, remain in position, reabsorbing naturally after six to twelve months. However, when a shift occurs it means that it was injected erroneously, often more on the surface than in the correct area. It helps us to clarify the doctor Dominic Ventura, plastic surgery specialist in Milan.

Filler migration: what is hyaluronic acid?

«Let’s start with the definitions. Hyaluronic acid is a very important constituent of our skin and it is physiologically present in our tissues from birth» begins to explain Dr. Domenico Ventura.

«Our body produces endogenous hyaluronic acid through cells called fibroblasts, at different rates depending on our age. If at the age of 20 the production of hyaluronic acid is very high, over the years the functional capacity of the cells that produce it is reduced: with a progressive loss of elasticity and thickness of the skin which leads to the formation of wrinkles».

Credits:Instagram @kyliejenner

How injectable hyaluronic acid works

«Hyaluronic acid can be synthetic product, in the laboratory, in the form of a gel placed in pre-filled syringes, offering very high standards of safety, handling and purity».

“It’s ideal for ensure the filling of those areas that need to be replenished because emptied, for example nasolabial folds and lips. At the same time, its ability to remain stable at the placement site ensures a increase or remodeling of the projection of the treated part in areas such as cheekbones, chin, nose, jaw» continues the specialist.

Duration and benefits

“The different densities and types of molecules have different duration times in tissues as they are reabsorbed by the skin which “feeds on them” with times ranging from 6 months up to a year’s time».

Filler migration: what it consists of

Jamie Lee Curtis: «Fillers are wiping out generations of beauty»

“When it comes to filler migration it means that the hyaluronic acid, originally implanted in a site – for example cheekbone or cheek – has “migrated” moving to unwanted areas and creating a volume migration effect, with an even significant aesthetic deterioration ».

Because? “This happens for one incorrect choice of material type: usually when a very fluid type of hyaluronic acid is used which tends to expand in areas where a stable product would instead be needed».

Hyaluronidase: the enzyme that “eats” the filler

«An enzyme called hyaluronidase can be used to eliminate the migration of the filler which has the ability to digest the molecules of Hyaluronic acid thus reducing its diffusion and implanted volumes if it has been recently injected.’

On the other hand, «if a lot of time has passed and a fibrosis has arisen, or a thickening of the deep tissues due to excess product, it is necessary to evaluate a removal of fibrous tissue with a small cannula where possible».

Any complications

«Hyaluronic acid it can be considered as the elixir of eternal youth for our skin, if used appropriately, with the right indications and with a correct choice of the type of product to use».

«Otherwise, we must be aware that the product can cause damage aesthetic and vascular compression, as well as more or less correctable blemishes. For all these reasons it is it is absolutely important to rely on professionals who have developed specific expertise in the sector and that they are able to indicate which is the best product for the site we want to treat».

«It is also fundamental do not exaggerate but proceed step by stepcreating discreet volumes for a non-artificial beauty and always respecting the patients» concludes the expert.

