‘Facha’ blood transfusion to Republican patient

We had not talked about the series that TVE-1 has released, ‘Doctor García’s patients’, a television adaptation of the homonymous novel by Almudena Grandes. The action takes place at the beginning of the Civil War. In Burgos, the Francoists are already campaigning for their respects. In Madrid the Republicans still resist.

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In London the ambassador Pablo Azcarate despairs seeing the lukewarmness of democracies in the face of the coup d’état of Frankand sadly exclaims: «For fear of communism, democracies abandon the Republic to its fate, and meanwhile the Nazis and fascists make Spain their field of maneuvers». It’s a good summary of what happened and a good explanation of why those who took up arms ended up winning the war. At the center of this series, two protagonists, through whom the viewers see what is happening: Dr. Guillermo (javier king), Republican, and its neighbor, the Francoist Amparo (Veronica Echegui). And an irrepressible passion arises between them and they do not stop riding, beautifully tongue and groove. I would like to highlight a very interesting moment, in my opinion, when Guillermo tells Amparo that he is going to take her to the hospital to draw blood from her because Republican soldiers continually arrive, seriously injured, who need an immediate transfusion. She, sly and sensual, exclaims: «Oh! Guillermo, I prefer that you bite my blood, like Dracula!”, but he finally agrees to lie down on a stretcher and have half a liter of his blood taken from him. It is a paradoxically extraordinary scene: ‘facha’ blood to save republican soldiers. once said Marilo Montero, when he presented ‘Las mañanas de La 1’, that in all organ transplants it is very possible that part of the donor’s soul is also transplanted. It was in October 2012. There was a colossal stir.

Considering a transfusion as a transplant variant, and following the hypothesis of Marilo, we could reach disturbing conclusions. Will Dr. Guillermo’s republican patients become Francoists by receiving Amparo’s blood? Let’s consider another, more current scenario: if oriol junqueras had an accident –God forbid–, needed a transfusion, and was Laura Borras the donor, would ERC be diluted in Junts, in a single identity? Ooh! It is tremendous to speculate. But the series is highly recommended.
