Facebook and Instagram are changing – more featured content

Facebook and Instagram are drifting further and further away from their roots.

Instagram has started to show more and more Reels, i.e. reels imitated from Tiktok, and Instagram and Facebook have for a long time had plenty of ads and accounts that the user does not follow. We previously told how the second most followed person on Instagram, Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian published a story criticizing Instagram’s reforms.

If you haven’t liked the new direction of Facebook and Instagram, there is even worse news.

CEO of Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram Mark Zuckerberg has said that the company plans to more than double the amount of content recommended to users by the end of 2023. Currently, according to Zuckeberg, about 15 percent of Facebook content is recommended, and the number on Instagram is even higher.

Zuckerberg’s announcement differs greatly from Facebook’s previous line of connecting friends and having them share content with each other. In the future, the guys themselves would seem to be more and more secondary as Meta takes steps in the direction of Tiktok.

One of Tiktok’s strengths is its use of artificial intelligence, which provides users with interesting content regardless of who created it.

According to Zuckerberg, people are moving from sharing directly to their feed to communicating via private messages. Instead of people interacting with each other in comment fields, content is shared directly with friends.

Director of Instagram Adam Mosser has again said that images are no longer the most important content on Instagram.

It’s no wonder that Meta is focusing on Reels, as they are becoming one of the company’s most important sources of income. Zuckerberg said in the earnings review that the company has received a billion dollars a year from Reels ads. The number of views of reels in terms of time has also increased in three months by thirty percent.

Sources: TechCrunch, Verge
