Face yoga: what it is, how to practice it and the products to use

mimproves skin tone, contrasts and prevents the formation of wrinkles and acts on the well-being of the spirit and body. The do yoga – holistic discipline that takes inspiration from Asanas of traditional yoga – through manipulations and massages allows you to have a younger and brighter face. Romina Ciaffi, Face Yoga Trainer e founder of Face Yoga Secret tells us about it.

Face yoga: invigorating massages for a face that is always young

“The do yoga (or Facial Yoga) is one holistic discipline which aims to achieve a younger and brighter faceas well as a complete feeling of well-being» begins to explain Romina Ciaffi, Face Yoga Trainer e founder by Face Yoga Secret.

“To achieve this, they practice facial toning exercises, firming and lymphatic drainage massages, acupressure and relaxation techniques for the face. With constant practice, the skin of the face and neck becomes smoother, lines thinner and tensions are reduced. Furthermore, there is a total improvement of the head shape».

Some Face Yoga exercises (Credits: GettyImages)

«There are several “schools” of face yoga (in Europe, Russia and Japan), each of which has developed its own approach and philosophy. The European School is probably influenced by the work of Catherine Urwicz from the 1980s and is today mainly represented by Danielle Collins.

Some of the techniques used in face yoga are obviously inherited from the traditional discipline and from ayurveda medicine, like some Asanas (positions), some massages and some meditation techniques».

How to do it: beauty tools and products

“The face yoga can be performed sitting, standing or lying down and is practiced independently. Under the guidance of an expert and certified teacher (just like with Yoga and Pilates)» continues the expert.

«To practice it, it is sufficient to use our hands and facial muscles. The integration of face tools it is also a great way to implement and enrich the benefits of the exercises. Among the most common there is certainly the jade roller, the glass spheres (Ice Globes) and the Gua Sha stone.

Each of these tools has specific virtues, but they all share the invaluable ability to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation. Improving the skin color and toning the skin and muscles.

Before starting the exercises it is always important to dedicate yourself to one moisturizing skincare routineand in particular to apply a serum or an oil, before the practice of massages and acupressure».

Facial posture: when the appearance of the face changes

“There facial posture (i.e. the attitude of the face muscles during the day) is responsible for a large number of wrinkles and folds on the face, under the chin and neck».

«To improve facial posture, it is important learn to control and relax the muscles of the face throughout the day. Doing so is possible thanks to facial meditation: a practice that allows you to work in a targeted way on the relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck».

10 minutes a day for concrete results

«Enough about 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week to see results and an improvement in the appearance of the face. The advice is to start step by step, integrating some face yoga practice into your skincare routine, both in the morning and in the evening» explains Romina Ciaffi.

Yoga, a medicine for body and soul.  Here are the stars who practice this discipline

The best moment? «The one of the cleansing and during the application of beauty creamsand then gradually insert exercises and finger pressures throughout the day.

In fact, this discipline should naturally be integrated into daily habitshelping those who practice it to easily achieve maximum well-being».

Anti-aging and anti-stress: the benefits

“THE benefits of face yoga they are numerous: they range from slowing down skin aging to reducing stress. Through his constant practice, the skin and muscles are toned, the skin appears smoother and firmer and the features of the face are plumped up» continues the expert.

There are many celebrities who follow the teachings of face yoga (Credits: Intagram @mirandakerr)

«The massage also oxygenates and nourishes the skin, also increasing the production of collagen and elastin. Skin elasticity and tone increase and the “saggy skin” effect decreases. Furthermore, thanks to the practice of face yoga, one can notice a improvement of lymphatic drainage, with a reduction in swelling and resulting in brighter skin.

“Learning to check facial expressions, expression lines will be reduced and prevented.

Finally, in addition to facial massages, by putting into practice a little meditation and breathing, you will feel a complete sense of well-being: a decrease in stress and an increase in self-esteem» concludes Romina Ciaffi.

