FACE TO FACE SÁNCHEZ-FEIJÓO | Sánchez charges against Feijóo’s “mountain of lies” in the face to face

Pedro Sánchez is satisfied with his performance in this Monday’s face-to-face debate against Alberto Núñez Feijóo. For the President of the Government, the PP candidate dedicated himself to raising a “mountain of lies” behind which to hide his “absolute” lack of project for the country.

This is what Sánchez has told the Spanish and foreign press that awaited him upon his arrival at the NATO summit in Vilnius (Lithuania)), in which he also announced an increase in the Spanish contribution to the Alliance missions in Slovakia and Romania.

Feijóo said, for example, that the judge had filed the espionage case with the Pegasus system due to Sánchez’s lack of collaboration, when in fact he has done so due to Israel’s lack of collaboration; He stated on several occasions that Podemos had not signed the pact against gender violence and Vox did, when the truth is that it was the other way around. Sánchez said, for his part, that Spanish inflation when the war in Ukraine began was 2%, when in reality it exceeded 6%.

“Raw” use of ETA

During a good part of the debate, Sánchez charged against Feijóo for having allowed Vox to enter the country’s institutions (in Valencia, Murcia, Castilla y León or Extremadura). This Tuesday he has insisted that Feijóo carry out a “disturbing tactic of embracing Vox and Santiago Abascal” which leads to entering a “dark tunnel of time”. And that, he believes, was made clear in the face to face.

Sánchez has also made Feijóo ugly by the “stark” use of ETA terrorism. During the debate, the socialist asked Feijóo to condemn the slogan “vote you Txapote”, in reference to the ETA terrorist, used by members of the Popular Party to criticize the parliamentary agreements with the Basque party Bildu. Before the press deployed in Vilnius, the president stressed that ETA’s violence “fortunately disappeared 11 years ago because it was defeated by Spanish democracy.”

The socialist candidate believes that the face-to-face (about two hours long) has allowed him so much take stock of his four years of coalition government. He, he says, has made proposals to the Spanish on issues such as pensions or the rights of the LGTBI collective or feminism. The debate was seen by almost six million Spaniards on Antena3 and La Sexta.

PP “embraced” with Vox

Sánchez’s message from Lithuania is consistent with the one sent by those responsible from Ferraz. In fact, the PSOE campaign will continue without changes despite the setback in the face-to-face between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, reports Marisol Hernández. Ferraz does not recognize the slip as they do in the rest of the organization. They try not to fall into defeatism and point out that Feijóo was “rough” and “parked moderation”, which distances him from the voters of the center.

Other members of the party have expressed themselves along the same lines. The head of the list of the PSC to the Congress for Barcelona, ​​Meritxell Batet, has accused Feijóo of “embarrar with false data and insidiousness” the debate.

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From the PP they have brought out all the communicative artillery. “It was a checkmate. We see Sánchez knocked out,” is heard in Genoa. In the popular headquarters they are surprised because the conservative leader “led the baton & rdquor; and he knew how to fit the issues into the terrain of his opponent, reports Paloma Esteban. They did not expect a “nervous Sánchez, out of place at many times and who did not know how to redirect his positions almost at no time & rdquor ;.

The candidate Feijóo himself considers that, after the debate, his distance with the socialist is widening. Pedro Sánchez is going to “lose a lot”, he said. He confesses that he did not expect the debate to go so well. Ask, however, not to trust. He does not consider Sánchez defeated and asks not to underestimate him in the remainder of the campaign. Genoa wants to keep its electorate mobilized, precisely because all the polls show it to be a winner and that could lessen voters’ motivation to go to the polls in the middle of July.
