Face skincare: how to change your beauty routine in the fall

Lautumn is always a special time for face skincare: with the first temperatures falling, humidity, city smog, return to indoor spaces, skin tends to appear thicker and dehydrated.

Autumn face skincare: why change it?

There face skincare in autumn it must therefore change, with ad hoc home and aesthetic products and treatments. Doctor Sergio Noviello, cosmetic surgeon and medical director of Milano Estetica reveals the best ones.

«The problems that can arise during the passage of the season are different: from dehydration to the appearance of fine lines due to photoaging».

Credits: Instagram @kaiagerber

Years of masks and different habits in everyday life related to smart working have altered thebalance of our facial skinstarting with melanogenesis which can lead to accumulations of melanin in the most exposed areas ».

Autumn face skincare against sun spots

Fundamental is evaluate the nature and type of stains present: age of the patient, skin type, condition, face or body area to be treated “.

How to intervene? «In general we can say that the ideal is to proceed with a combination of treatments that allow eliminate skin discoloration and pigmented spots: we start with a chemical peel to exfoliate, regenerate and illuminate ».

Chemical peeling, the autumn exfoliating treatment

“Across the chemical peel it is possible to speed up the natural process of exfoliation. The result is a deep skin regeneration ».

What is it about? “Consists in the application of one or more substances capable of inducing a cell regeneration process. They are classified into superficial, medium and deep and can also help eliminate medium and superficial wrinkles. Their function is also to fight acne, dilated pores, dull skin, keratosis, superficial melasma. Which substances are currently most used? Glycolic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Salicidic and Lactic Acid ».

Autumn skincare routine, the steps to take

«After peeling and anti-dark spot treatments, you need to focus on hydration with face creams and serums to choose according to skin type »continues Dr. Noviello.

«In autumn, the moisturizer should be chosen carefully, preferring soothing, revitalizing products rich in vitamins, aloe, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid. TheThe goal is to rebalance, moisturize, but also nourish to help the skin remain elastic, luminous and plumped in view of the drop in temperatures ».

Fall skincare with seasonal ingredients

“Also scrub and gommage are recommended in autumn: to be performed once a week they favor the cell turnover And prepare the skin for subsequent treatmentsmaking it more receptive to moisturizing creams and refreshing and soothing masks based on aloe, calendula, vitamins, hyaluronic acid. Depending on the type of skin, it is also possible to evaluate whether or not to perform charcoal-based masks: to reduce excess sebum »explains the expert.

In-salon treatments, peeling anti stains

Finally, autumn is also the perfect time to indulge in some beauty treatments. Dermamelan is an innovative line of products for topical use for the removal of hyperpigmentation and imperfections caused by the accumulation of melanin »continues the doctor.

«The treatment consists of two phases – an outpatient and a home-based one – and constitutes the only professional lightening treatment that guarantees the disappearance of all types of melanic stains in less than 20 days. It can be used on the whole body in a totally safe way and is compatible with all skin types ».

“DAfter a careful evaluation of the skin by the aesthetic doctor, the peeling is applied (total duration of treatment about 40 minutes). Thereafter at home in the following weeks it will have to be applied the lightening cream which assists the action of the treatment. This on the one hand it inhibits the formation process of the melanic pigment and on the other eliminates skin spots restoring the natural brightness and softness of the skin. The skin will appear more toned, with a healthier and therefore younger appearance »concludes Dr. Noviello.

