Face Decoding: A fascinating new tool to understand and heal our being – BRAND

Elisabeth, What is face decoding?

Decoding faces is the way to understand, through facial observation, the multiple characteristics that make up an individual as an active and integral part of their close and distant family system. Through facial maps, the limiting programs that prevent the person from achieving their goals are located and also provides where the solution to said conflict is. Most of the time the solution is in the family tree.

This method identifies the gifts to develop them and also the individual’s conflicts, proposing a possible solution to restore what was lost.

What motivated you and what was your path towards creating this method?

Face Decoding arises after a long journey in face analysis and personality studies, where I developed for many years.

Being not only a Face Reading teacher but also a Decoder of biological and emotional symptoms, the face of each of my clients informed me about those symptoms. So, now the face showed me which programmer of the symptom the person was carrying.

For example, if the consultation was about money issues, the face would inform if this limiting program was due to scams in the territory, painful beliefs in relation to “money people”, or an infertility syndrome that almost always limits the flow. of money. Thus the approach is accurate, achieving results effectively.

At first I established a model and then applied the model to all queries, obtaining a high degree of assertiveness.

What disciplines does it draw from?

My training in Face Reading, as well as in Morphopsychology, have been the basis for what would later become Face Decoding.

My studies in Biological and Emotional Decoding provided a deeper understanding of each person’s reality, and how Transgenerational memories are the great unconscious shapers of our face and reality.

Being a specialist in transgenerational analysis and a face reader, both knowledge came together to shed light on the Decoding of Faces and explore the geography of the face.

What makes it possible for people to decode their face?

Without a doubt, self-knowledge is one of the deepest values ​​that this study provides.

The very good thing about this study is that no symptoms are required, as in biodecoding; This study is carried out in order to know the limiting programs that influence one not to advance in life or in what one wants to achieve. It allows us to know and enhance the gifts and qualities that each person possesses in order to develop them.

It works as a preventive method for traumatic situations that, due to loyalty to the clan, tend to repeat themselves.

A person who knows himself can accept himself with his lights and shadows, beginning to modify everything that happens in his reality. His world lights up, he now understands why what happens to him happens and he can decide to transform his world.

I think that the people who come to you have a story and are on a search, perhaps without finding answers. But what is it that they are looking for and what leads them to consult you?

The people who come to me They do it seeking, on the one hand, self-knowledge and, on the other, to heal some symptom.

Some people who have an illness come to my office with a certain exhaustion after seeing several doctors with unfavorable diagnoses and prognoses that only make the situation worse. Perhaps assuming that I can “cure” them or heal something in them, but in the first consultation I warn them that that is not going to happen; I do not cure anyone or heal anyone, since the healing process is personal and individual because each person: if they can be responsible for their symptoms, they can resolve them. I can accompany them to see the cause of their illness and follow the logic of the symptom that makes this “taking charge” of themselves possible, achieving excellent results.

For example?

I remember the case of Gaby’s hypertension, which she was willing to heal knowing that it was only a biological mechanism to balance something that she could not manage. By listening to her symptom, she was able to understand its logic and begin a path of healing. Her biology, as always happens, was able to release this manifestation and Today he is without medication with normal blood pressure values.

Or Mati’s scoliosis, who listened to his spine bringing to light the mother’s unborn, hidden until then, recovering his true place as a son in his family and also recovering the health of his spine.

The resolution of symptoms is based on a process of opening emotions that create reality, and this is in several stages, since we depend on the reality of those who created me, that is, my parents. We have all had everyday situations that bother us and we don’t know how to manage them or how to achieve change; Those who come to the consultation are those who believe that there is something else they can do to feel better or achieve what they want. They are the seekers of new realities.

People who come for a Face Decoding do so without specific symptoms, wanting to know not only their gifts but also their limiting programs that operate in them but are rooted in the transgenerational system.

Starting a process starting from face decoding is wonderful, because it shows what programs we inherit from the system and how to solve it. And it’s all written on the face.

You started working with people, but today you also dedicate yourself to training Decoders. What does this training consist of and what requirements are necessary to study your method?

Today I am dedicated to accompanying people who wish to develop their new profession, being a Biological and Emotional Decoder or a Face Decoding Consultant.

The training consists of taking the knowledge to develop as a therapist and provide consultation.

It is a process that lasts 9 months and allows you to be a comprehensive therapist, learning about biological laws and consultation protocols, family tree analysis and healing.

The training in Face Decoding lasts 6 months, is open to everyone and does not require prior knowledge.

For those people who want to take this method to complement their accompaniment work, it will provide a better and greater understanding of the being in front of them, being able to recognize their traumas and deep pain after observing the face, facilitating feedback and understanding the person. in a comprehensive way, since it seems that he is just one person, but he attends the consultation with his entire system in tow; They will read it on your face.

This method is a fascinating space for encounter, understanding and healing.

To contact Elisabeth:


Instagram @decodificacionderostros

WhatsApp +54 9 3413 29 6018

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