Face cream for the spring as you choose according to age

C.o Spring is upon us change in your skincare routine, essential to accommodate the arrival of summer. The midseason days are characterized by the alternation of sun and heat with rain and wind, and also the face cream must fit.

Face creams, every age has its needs

The age factor is also added: «Each age corresponds to a different actionwhich must be taken into consideration when choosing the cream for the new season »specifies Dr. Laura Brunelli, dermatologist of MioDottore.

The real attention must begin to be placed around the 30 years: «In this decade we must start play in advance thus preventing any future damage ».

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At 40

It is then around “in the 40s that the skin begins to change because the production of collagen decreasesthat is, the first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin »explains the doctor.

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From the age of 50, the change of the skin

A change that manifests itself completely around the age of 50 when the action of the face cream should no longer be focused on prevention but rather on mitigation.

«The face creams for the skin of the fifties will have to focus on reduction and slowing of the appearance of wrinkles that arise due to the lowering of the collagen level which therefore leads to structural failures ».

To that skin thinning and dehydration are also added which cause dryness even in hitherto oiliest skins.

The right skincare textures for spring

THEn spring “They can be put aside textures that are too heavy or oily. Pay attention also to those with photosensitizing ingredients such as glycolic acid or retinol to make room for lighter creams. Prefer those with sunscreens, necessary to protect the skin from the first seasonal exposure, to be applied also on the neck and décolleté ».

“In this regard, you can also prepare the skin with supplements” explains the doctor.

Spring face creams, the right ingredients: hyaluronic acid, vitamins, elastin and sunscreens

So what are the most sought-after ingredients?

Hyaluronic acid, above all. It is the must-have ingredient for all ages: in fact, over time the skin loses its ability to retain water, thus drying out, emptying and drying out. Hyaluronic acid, a molecule already present in the body, counteracts this loss by keeping the level of hydration higha necessary condition for the skin at any age.

Later with age, aiulonic acid must be accompanied by vitamin E which also has an anti-aging action but in a different way. In fact, it protects against the damage of aging caused by pollution, smog and stress, for this reason it is suitable from 35-40 years upwards, when the skin begins to be tested also by external factors ».

