Fabrizio Miccoli after prison: “I made mistakes. One day inside is infinite …”

The former striker of Palermo, Lecce, Juve and the national team breaks the silence after being detained and sentenced for extortion aggravated by the mafia method. And he does it by posting a long letter on Instagram

Fabrizio Miccoli returned to freedom last May 13 after 6 months of detention. The surveillance court of Venice (the former captain of Palermo was detained in the Rovigo prison) granted him probation. The former football player from Salento was definitively sentenced to 3 years and 3 months in prison on charges of extortion aggravated by the mafia method. In these weeks of freedom, Miccoli is complying with some requirements such as not returning home after midnight and not attending offenders. However, the time has come for him to take stock and do mea culpa. And so it was …

the letter on instagram

So here is that the former striker from Lecce, Palermo, Juve and the national team posted a long letter with which he broke the silence. Here are his words: “Two years ago I made a big mistake. One of those that change your life. I had everything. I was the captain of Palermo, I did the job I had always dreamed of doing since I was a child and the people of Palermo it made me feel at home. In these 12 long years I have always preferred silence. I have read everything but I have never replied. When you are a footballer in Serie A you have a lot of attention. Many people want a piece of you. Many know you but you don’t know anyone. You don’t know who you can trust. In reality I made more than one mistake. The first big mistake was to always be available to everyone. Those who lived in Palermo in those years .. you know. The second mistake was to use the wrong words, words that I never thought and never will think (as per the interception in which it is expressed in outrageous terms on Giovanni Falcone, ed). Often when you are at the top you feel invincible .. instead you are only human “.


“I apologized some time ago – continues Miccoli in his letter – for those words and I do it again. Last year the sentence arrived. Sentence I did not share because I felt distant and I am far from that world, but I have a sentence respected by spontaneously presenting myself the following day in a maximum security prison, always by choice, to serve my sentence. One day in there it seems infinite, 6/7 months, an eternity. I served the greatest sentence in these 12 years, every day, seeing myself approached to something that I am not and that does not belong to me “.

“Two years ago I made a big mistake. One of those that change your life. I had everything. I was the captain of Palermo, I did the job I had always dreamed of doing since I was a child and the people of Palermo made me feel at home . In these 12 long years I have always preferred silence. I have read everything but I have never replied. When you are a footballer in Serie A you have a lot of attention. Many people want a piece of you. Many know you but you do not know anyone. You don’t know who you can trust. Actually I made more than one mistake. The first big mistake was to always be available to everyone. Who lived in Palermo in those years .. you know. The second mistake was to use of the wrong words, words that I did not think and never will think (those of the interception in which it is expressed in outrageous terms about Giovanni Falcone, ed)
