Fabio Jakobsen wins Eight van Chaam for Mathieu van der Poel

Fabio Jakobsen won the Acht van Chaam on Wednesday evening. The sprinter was the first to cross the line just before Mathieu van der Poel and Dylan van Baarle.

Earlier this week, Van der Poel still won the day during Days after the Tour in Boxmeer and in the Frisian Surhuisterveen. But at the criterion in Chaam – which could finally continue after two corona years – he had to acknowledge his superior in Jakobsen, who won a stage in the Tour de France earlier this month.

There were a lot of toppers on the start list of the country’s oldest criterion. In addition to the men on the podium, Taco van der Hoorn, Dutch champion Pascal Eenkhoorn and Sam Oomen were also at the start.
