F18 Saragossa | An F18 fighter crashes in Zaragoza and the pilot saves his life

An F18 fighter from the air base of Saragossa crashed this morning in the Aragonese capital. The pilot was able to save his life after activating the button and being able to eject before the collision, although he would have suffered various traumatisms. This type of aircraft arrived in Spain in 1986 and has been involved in a dozen serious accidents, two of them involving two planes.

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From the Government Delegation in Aragon they did not want to confirm the incident and referred to the Ministry of Defense, which is waiting to send a new statement. However, both from the Command of the Civil Guard of Zaragoza and from the Superior Police Headquarters of Aragon The accident that occurred around 12:10 p.m. was confirmed., when the pilot was performing display maneuvers. It was then that the device, for reasons that are still unknown, has plummeted very close to the civilian facilities of the Zaragoza Airport.

The pilot, whose identity is unknown, has been transferred in a 112 SOS Aragón helicopter to the Zaragoza Military Hospital.
