F1 Mexico, Leclerc: “Ferrari in difficulty with the hard tires”. Vasseur: “Not a good result”

The Monegasque and the accident at the start with Perez: “It’s not my fault, I found myself in the middle of the Red Bulls.” Disappointed Sainz, fourth: “Mercedes manages the tires better”

Federico Mariani

Charles Leclerc gives the podium to Ferrari In the Mexican GPwon by Max Verstappen. The Monegasque’s third place was the result of an aggressive race in the first part and a more careful one on the restart after Kevin Magnussen’s crash. After the race, the Scuderia di Maranello driver analyzed his performance: “The best possible result came from our part. We struggled more with the hard. Our car is too sensitive. In any case we didn’t feel bad taking into account that the car was not perfectly in order.”

the accident

Speaking of clashes, Leclerc was involved in a contact with home idol Sergio Perez, who was then forced to retire. Booed by the Mexican fans, Charles gave his version of what happened: “I honestly couldn’t go anywhere. I found myself in the middle of the Red Bulls at the start. There was nothing I could do at that moment. We touched and Perez damaged my car. I understand the fans’ disappointment, but obviously it wasn’t my intention to let his race finish first.” Then Charles analyzes the recent less than brilliant starts: “It’s an aspect to analyse. During the year we got them all right but it hasn’t happened for two races”.


Fourth place for Carlos Sainz. The placing does not satisfy the Spaniard, who explains to Sky microphones: “It wasn’t a good race. It’s strange: we take pole by giving three tenths to Mercedes and in the race the situation is reversed”. Then he adds: “As far as I’m concerned, I had to pick up the pace, but with the hard tire I didn’t have an exceptional pace. Mercedes makes the tires last better. This is what we’re trying to improve for next year. Now I don’t we have the flexibility to behave like them.”

halfway happy

The result of the Mexican GP is not fully satisfactory Frederic Vasseur. The Ferrari team manager gets straight to the point, explaining to Sky microphones what didn’t work: “First of all the start: the drivers didn’t get off to a good start, allowing everyone to follow. There we lost control of the situation. good, I mean the position on the straight. This put Carlos and Charles in a difficult situation.” Hence the balance of the weekend: “It’s not a good result if we look at the grid. The weekend isn’t negative and looking at the pace we were strong in the first part, but we struggled after the restart. I think the balance wasn’t the right one. ideal on the medium tyres, but the gap was related to the problem we had. It was complicated to restart on the hard tyres. We were surprised that Hamilton managed to do so many laps on the medium tyres.”
