F1, Leclerc and the Budget Cap: “If you make a mistake you have to be punished, but I don’t judge”

The Monegasque of Ferrari at Suzuka on the subject of the investigation for costs which also concerns Red Bull: “If you spend more you are faster, of course, but it is not me who decides the penalties: I believe in the FIA ​​and in an adequate punishment “

Charles Leclerc also loves the Suzuka track in a particular way, home to the Japanese GP on the weekend of 9 October. “All the drivers love the first sector of the circuit, where there is one corner after another and it is really exciting – says the Ferrari Monegasque -. Racing here is also great for fans who are super passionate and create a unique atmosphere. “.

pieces together

Leclerc, who has not won since the Austrian GP and has to defend his second place in the World Championship from the assault of Sergio Perez, now 2 points with Red Bull, is confident that he can play for the success in Japan: “I am confident, we had a solid car on all tracks, even if I expect a very strong Red Bull – says Charles -. We have never lacked performances, we have always fought in front even if after Spa I realized that we would not have won the title. World Cup next year we have to put all the pieces in place: the strategy, the management, the performance and put everything together at the right time “.

budget cap and adequate punishment

On the Budget Cap issue, with the outcome of the FIA ​​investigation postponed to Monday 10 October, Leclerc is clear: “If you spend more you are faster, and it is obvious that if you make a mistake with the rules you must be punished, but it is not me who to be able to decide the punishment – says the Ferrari driver -. However, I believe in the work of the FIA ​​and in an adequate punishment for those who break the rules “. Let’s wait…
