F1 Heat and drivers in pieces after Qatar, the FIA: “More air in the cockpits and new dates”

The Federation announces measures following the illnesses and physical fatigue of the protagonists in Losail: “Despite being elite athletes, they must not run risking health and safety, we are working with the medical commission to study solutions”

The image of the physically exhausted F1 drivers after Sunday’s Qatar GP has left its mark. Even though these were highly trained athletes, the conditions of extreme heat and discomfort experienced during the race (read the article) did not go unnoticed and therefore the International Federation, which for some time now has made the safety and health of the pilots an indispensable prerogative, announced measures on the matter.

qatar analysis

“The FIA ​​notes with concern that the extreme temperatures and humidity recorded during the Formula 1 Qatar GP had an impact on the well-being of the drivers – it reads in a note – despite being elite athletes they are not expected to compete in conditions which could jeopardize their health or safety. The FIA ​​will take all reasonable steps to establish and communicate the acceptable parameters in which competitions should be held.” “An analysis of the situation in Qatar has begun to provide recommendations for future extreme weather situations. It should be noted that while next year’s edition of the Qatar GP is scheduled for later in the year, when temperatures are expected to be lower, the FIA ​​prefers to take material action now to avoid a recurrence of this scenario.”

medical commission

So “a series of measures will be discussed at the next meeting of the medical commission in Paris. The measures may include, among others, guidelines for competitors, research into modifications for more efficient airflow in the cockpit and recommendations for changes to the calendar to align with acceptable climate conditions. The FIA’s commitment to closer cooperation between the technical, safety and medical departments under the leadership of the FIA ​​President will facilitate this process.”
