F1 Gp of Italy, Hunt for a ticket to Monza, it is going to be sold out

After last year’s flop, the centenary edition at the Autodromo Nazionale promises to be sold out: two additional stands have already been added. 97% of available tickets sold: 110,000 only for Sundays. Over the weekend 280-290,000 spectators are expected. Many innovative initiatives in the Fan Zone

Sent to Monza Andrea Cremonesi

August 10

The Ferrari World Championship in the second half of July became tremendously complicated, but this did not slow down the race for the Monza GP ticket, which will start in exactly one month at 3 pm. Finding a coupon in these thirty days will be a no less difficult task than preventing Max Verstappen from winning the world champion. From 20 August the last available seats will be on sale through the official website (Monzanet which redirects to vivaticket), but we are already 97 percent of the capacity.

Apart from the Red

“The most pleasant aspect – explains Alessandra Zinno, manager of the Brianza plant – is that the sale did not follow the ups and downs of the Ferrari championship”. It just sold out. The desolation of 2019, with the half-empty stands, is fortunately for the local organizers and for Formula 1 itself only a sad memory. The numbers say it: 69,000 season tickets were sold for the three days; for Friday, a day dedicated to free practice, 74 tickets were sold; 83,000 for Saturdays and 110,000 for Sundays. The request, despite Charles Leclerc’s mistake at Castellet and the slap suffered in Hungary, knows no respite so much that it has prompted the National Autodrome to increase the number of provisional stands, adding seats near the swimming pool in Santa Maria alle Selve, inside the second of Lesmo and then in the Seraglio area.

The organizers give themselves in limit

The Ascari 16 was also set up near the same bend that was given up last year. There will be 280-290 thousand people in three days, a threshold that could have been exceeded but which the organizers have deliberately blocked. “We have decided to limit the lawns to 57,000 because it is not just the collection that counts, the priority is safety. I don’t sleep there at night », the Monza manager confesses. But it is not only Ferrari’s newfound competitiveness, which hopes to repeat the triumphant Sunday of 2019, that has boosted sales. There is that this edition celebrates the centenary of the racetrack (the official inauguration dates back to September 3, 1922) and many want to be there.

Top Secret Program

The initiatives for the famous finish line remain top secret (but there are rumors of a possible parade of cars that made the history of the plant on the Saturday before qualifying), it is instead certain that for those who will attend the Italian Grand Prix in those days there will not be only the show on the track. As per the Formula One Group guidelines, a maxi Fan Zone is being set up. “It will be called F1 Monza 100 Fan Zone – explains Dr. Zinno – and will occupy the Roccolo area (the former heliport that moved to the adjacent Gerascia area; ed): a huge lawn between the straight opposite the pits and that of the ‘High Speed ​​Ring “. The offer will be very wide: 2There will be space for the history of motorsport with a series of vehicles that in addition to the GP have been protagonists of the Targa Florio, the World Rally and the Gold Cup of the Dolomites, Races that are the flagship of Aci. Then a gastronomic area with the enhancement of local products (they consider that 35 percent of the fans are foreigners), a sport where enthusiasts can try their hand at different disciplines from karting to paddle, a Ferris wheel will be mounted and finally until the evening, including Sundays, lots of music with DJ Set. “All this will also be available on Thursdays, when admission will be free.

An unforgettable edition

“Our hope is that this edition will become unforgettable”, says the president of the ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, whose thoughts are already turned to the future. In 2023 when the racetrack could appear much more modern in the eyes of fans than the one that will host this 93rd edition.
