F1 GP Belgium because Ferrari no longer has a chance for the 2022 World Championship

The show of strength in the Belgian GP eliminates the chances of the world championship in Maranello. That she didn’t have to win the title but that she has a duty to show courage and performance in the final eight races. Also because Mercedes undermines the second Constructors place …

Andrea Fanì

29 Aug 2022 | 07:46

– Milan

Let it be said immediately: Ferrari did not “have to” win the 2022 World Cup given the last two previous years; however, the sparkling start to the season had led more than one fan to cultivate the dream of seeing the Drivers’ title again in Maranello after 15 years (Raikkonen 2007). Instead, the blow from Spa-Francorchamps effectively puts an end to any reasoning on the chances of a title. The defeat – in the sense of a faded World Championship – hurts not so much in light of the awareness that Red Bull has gradually increased its pace up to the furrow dug in Belgium with all its rivals (an advantage that has never appeared so evident this year). The Red Bull-Max Verstappen duo risks opening a cycle at the level of the recent Mercedes-Hamilton: against the Dutchman and Horner’s team he can lose with honor (and Ferrari even managed to beat them this year).
