F1 Brazil, disappointment Leclerc: “The intermediates? For a rain that hasn’t arrived …”

The Monegasque is struggling to digest the toad of Q3 with the wrong tires: “We will try to understand how to do better next times”. Sainz: “Happy for Magnussen, he deserves it”. Mekies: “Lottery qualifiers in this weather”

11 November

– san paolo (brazil)

A bit of a botched session for Ferrari. Qualifying for the Brazilian GP did not end well for the Cavallino, who after the first free practice dreamed of a very different pole session. Practice 1 in the heat had signaled a Ferrari on the ball. Then the rain cooled the track and brought back the problems related to the performance of the F1-75 with asphalt 20 degrees cooler than in the first session. In addition, the choice was made to mount the intermediate tires to Charles Leclerc at the beginning of Q3, a decision that turned out to be a disaster.

how to do better

The Monegasque had a moment of annoyance because he was not even told to return to the pits immediately after the launch lap, the warning came as soon as he passed the pit lane entrance. Another mess, even if, given Russell’s accident, it would have changed little even if he had immediately taken the route of the pit lane. “We will try to understand how to do better in these conditions – said Leclerc – the car is good, we have to try to figure it out and do well. What happened with the team? I agreed to mount the intermediate tires but the rain is not never arrived … “.

speaks sainz

Carlos Sainz, who will start with 5 penalty positions on the grid for the change of engine on Sunday, will start fifth in tomorrow’s Sprint: “I did some less than ideal qualifying. I would have liked to stay ahead, I have to congratulate Kevin (Magnussen , ed) because he did a great lap. I’m happy for him, he deserves it. Mine was a very tough qualifying session, the position is very difficult and it’s easy to make mistakes, we all did something wrong, we like the other teams. Kevin he did the perfect job and deserves the pole. Tomorrow I take some risks. The car is fast but they are also fast in front and I have to recover the five penalties. “

speak mekies

Sporting director Laurent Mekies motivated the choice of intermediate tires on Leclerc’s car as follows: “The weather was a lottery for the whole qualifying – he said – before Q3 it was rain and you don’t know if it takes you. The weather conditions it was a bit borderline, we put a car on the track. A minute before it would have been good for Charles. Qualifying is not a good test. Make 6-8-10 decisions. We were taking the intermediate tires, when they were both returning the cars we thought we would put on dry tires which were going well. Instead … “.
