F1 2021 cost cap breached, no ruling. Fia: “The report unveiled on October 10”

The International Federation with a note took time and communicated that the data on whether or not the budget cap for 2021 will be respected or not will be revealed in 5 days

05 October

– paris (France)

No sentence against Red Bull, Aston Martin and another team for alleged violation of the 2021 cost ceiling. Today the results of the audits of the auditors of the International Federation were expected, which however only released a note in which we refer to next 10 October the presentation of the data, noting that it will not provide other information to avoid speculation.

the note fia

This is the note from the Federation: “The FIA ​​informs that the conclusion of the analysis of the 2021 financial requests of the Formula 1 teams and the subsequent issue of the certificates of compliance with the financial regulation, will not be presented today Wednesday, October 5. The analysis of the financial requests it is a long and complex process that is ongoing and will end to allow for the release of the certificates on Monday, October 10. The Financial Regulation was unanimously approved by all the participants, who worked correctly and collaboratively with the administration of the FIA spending cap during this first year, under the Financial Regulation. As previously communicated, there has been significant and unfounded speculation and conjecture in relation to this matter and the FIA ​​reiterates that until it is finalized, it will not be provided. Further information The FIA ​​also reiterates that any speculation regarding a disclosure of sensitive information by FIA personnel is equally unfounded “.

Further updates coming soon
