Eye contour: beauty treatments for a fresh look

L‘area of ​​the eye contour it is the first to give an account of the years that pass: thinner, less sprayed with sebum, easier to mark. And if the use of the mask is also involved, it can be explained the increase in requests to the aesthetic doctor for small remedies for a fresh and rested look.

This is why aesthetic medicine treatments for the eye contour are becoming less and less invasive, in order to guarantee natural and not very visible results.

Eye contour: fillers, the alternative to blepharoplasty

With the mask, in fact, just the periocular area took charge of the expressiveness of the whole face, thus being subjected to a greater number of daily contractions which, in the long run, have left their mark, especially on already mature skin.

And so, here is the boom in requests for medical aesthetic treatments that restore freshness to the area, without however canceling the expressiveness. One above all the blepharoplasty, which, according to the data that emerged during the 8th AICPE National Congress, recorded an increase in requests of around 20% in the first half of 2021.

«Wrinkles and crow’s feet can also be smoothed out through a combined treatment, performed in the same session, with botulinum toxin and micro-injections of hyaluronic acid»Says the dermatologist Mariuccia Bucci.

Crow’s feet: botulinum or hyaluronic acid?

“There botulinum toxin is perfect for smoothing periocular fine lines and slightly raising eyebrows (both the outer corner and the central part). Unlike what is commonly thought, with botulinum toxin it is possible to guarantee a natural result by wisely dosing technique and dilution, without risking losing the expressiveness of the face.

The micro injections of hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, help to “fill” wrinkles and restore volumes lost with the natural aging process. While, in the case of sunken dark circles, infiltrations can be carried out in the nasolacrimal fold with a specific filler “.

Botox and micromesobotox, for instant results

A great classic that still has no rivals and has nothing to envy to the formulations of the new fillers is always the botox. That allows you to smooth out even the deepest wrinkles such as the frontal and glabellar ones.

“When an even more discreet and delicate effect is sought, as on fine wrinkles, and we want to avoid the paralysis effect of mimicry” says Dr. Pierluigi Canta “we can proceed with the micromesobotox, or small injections of hyper-diluted botox to obtain an instant result ».

The treatment foresees a session of 15-20 minutes, with appreciable results after 6-9 days from the treatment for a duration of 4-5 months, and then gradually reduce.

Filler also against bags and dark circles

Where until recently surgery was the only solution, micro-invasive and effective solutions are now making their way to clear bags and dark circles, such as non crosslinked hyaluronic acid filler And biomimetic peptides.

“This innovative filler based on hyaluronic acid and biomimetic peptides forms stable bonds in the absence of cross-linked agents ” explains Professor Sergio Noviello. A technology that makes the filler very well absorbable and metabolizable by the tissues, in an extremely gradual and controlled way for a minimum period of 14 days, thus ensuring the slow release of the active ingredients.

Fresh and rested look with a cocktail of vitamins

Is called Beautify and it is the protocol that promises to be an alternative to botox, when you want to improve micro wrinkles, halos around the lacrimal sulcus but above all you do not have a too marked look yet.

What’s it about? «In a first phase, a Gentle peeling based on gluconolactone and glycolic acid low concentration. Then, once the peeling has been removed, micro injections of a cocktail with hyaluronic acid and vitamins (amino acids) are made, made with a medical device particular »says the surgeon Alessia Baroni (IG: @ alessiabaroni.medicinaestetica).

“All this for one session every 3 weeks for 3 times, to be repeated after six months, if necessary”.

Remedies without needles: the ultra localized peeling with lifting effect

It is called Peeling PRX T33 and is capable of improve the skin making it brighter, smoother and firmer, producing a “lifting effect “ without needles or scalpels.

“The PRX T33 is a new patent classified as biostimulation without needles. The treatment involves the application of a specific gel based on trichloroacetic acid which, applied with a particular massage of 20/30 minutes. It allows to restructure the tissues, to stimulate and smooth the skin in depth, triggering collagenesis and also promoting the renewal of keratinocytes “says Dr. Ginevra Best aesthetic doctor and plastic surgeon of the Miglior Viso Clinic in Milan and Forte dei Marmi.

The goal is to reduce superficial wrinkles and the uneven appearance of the skin and the annoying bluish halo of dark circles.

Sagging eyelids? There is minimally invasive periorbitoplasty

When the problem in the periocular area is more important and is accompanied by drooping eyelids and forehead wrinkles there may be a need for an intervention like the Minimally invasive periorbitoplasty.

It is a technique born in Brazil, which involves a “network” of stitches on the entire forehead and requires only local anesthesia, leaving a single scar at the edge of the scalp. It’s about a surgical practice that aims to reposition the eyebrow, giving the look and face greater freshness.



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