extremely false after rejection Dave

The 31-year-old Denise shocked the viewers of the RTL 4-hit B&B Vol Liefde last night. She reacted extremely falsely to the rejection of her gentle date Dave.


The walking crop top Denise, whose personality seems as monotonous as her wardrobe, has been shouting at B&B Vol Love for weeks that her dates have to comply. She has a whole laundry list of requirements for her future husband, but does she herself have enough to offer? Doesn’t she blow a little high off the tower?

Denise of the Devil

During all those weeks with her various dates, Denise mainly lingered over boring fair weather conversations, full of fake smiles after every dot and comma. The gentle candidate Dave has maintained that for weeks, but at some point he has come to the conclusion that there is simply no deeper layer to be found.

Leading his way, Dave approached her in yesterday’s episode to announce his departure. Initially nothing seems to be wrong and Denise reacts just as sporty as all other B&B Full of Love candidates, but half an hour later that has turned 180 degrees. She is suddenly furious about Dave’s rejection.

With mom on Dave

Denise is quite the sour girl with her mother. “When I was talking about it with my mother, I suddenly thought: huh! It’s actually not right, because how can you suddenly make such a 180? I thought: it’s very strange. Did I miss something or something? I prefer real sincere people in my life. I don’t think he’s fair. That is almost impossible.”

Denise then approaches Dave as an offended teenage girl with her mother. “I still want to ask: how did you suddenly turn around like that? (…) But when you had had a drink and sent all those messages, that was… (…) You were also giving a lot of compliments these days.”

“This is bland!”

The rejection apparently hits Denise so hard that at one point she suggests that Dave be for the fame participate. “Did you participate for other reasons? Because you suddenly switch. I just don’t get it. You showed other things. So I kind of have the idea that maybe it was fake or something.”

Dave is shocked that Denise suddenly turns into such a cat’s head. “How so? I find this very bland. That you ask if I’m here with the right intentions… I think that’s very lame. I get it, but that doesn’t give you the right to call me fake or have other intentions. I find that very bland.”

old calamari

When Dave leaves after a stay of many weeks, Denise doesn’t even want to get up. “Do you need anything else or something?” she bits. He smiles: “You think: fuck off?” She with a straight face: “Yes, actually, if I’m very honest.”

Well, well, well. Can it all be a little less? The viewers of B&B Vol Liefde are shocked. Denise has projected all her bad ex-boyfriends onto her candidates from the start and she wants to hear from Dave at all costs that he is like that. The girl therefore has the insight of a plate of old calamaris,” says viewer Speck.

Arrogant ironing board

Vincent calls Denise an ‘arrogant ironing board’ and Laura says: “Denise, girl, you have so much to learn in this life! I can’t understand how you react, so incredibly immature. You’re like a little kid who wants an ice cream but can’t get it. This is what you get with princess behavior.”

Janneke: “Don’t be so mean Denise! Dave is genuine and honest and he doesn’t deserve to be portrayed as disrespectful. ? Dave, be glad you escaped this dragon.”

And Josje: “Gosh, Denise, you’re reacting bitchy! Doesn’t that boy honestly indicate that the feeling is not there? What do you want now!? Fat discussion. So that’s really how you are…”


Dave’s Instagram is overflowing with messages of support for the way Denise has treated him:
