Extra windmills and solar panels on the North Sea part of sustainable energy plan

Extra windmills and solar panels on the North Sea part of sustainable energy plan

The government wants to extract even more green energy at sea as soon as possible with more and more powerful wind turbines, because the North Sea is potentially the largest power plant in the country.

That is why the government has decided to expand the existing wind farms in the North Sea on the Thornton Bank and in the Elisabeth Zone. They also want to realize the latter faster. They would also replace the oldest wind turbines more quickly with more powerful wind turbines.

“The wind turbines in the second zone will come faster than expected. And then we will look for additional capacity in the North Sea, in collaboration with other countries. Because we cannot do this alone. It is a matter of connecting those things with the countries around the North Sea. And we as Belgium are going to take the lead there,” says Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten.

There is also a plan on the table for floating solar panels at sea. In the course of the coming week, the government will explain those plans separately.
