Extra reception places for refugee Ukrainians in Brabant-Southeast

Brabant-Zuidoost security region must arrange a maximum of a thousand extra reception places for refugee Ukrainians. These are in addition to the two thousand reception places that the security region expects to have ready at the beginning of June. Additional reception places must also be created in the other safety regions.

At the beginning of March, all security regions in Brabant were told that they must receive two thousand refugee Ukrainians in their area: a thousand within two weeks and a thousand in the medium term. Southeast Brabant expects to have all those two thousand places ready by the beginning of June.

According to the security region, she opted from the start for ‘the most humane possible reception’ for the Ukrainians. This means that there is enough privacy, for example through spaces in which people can withdraw.

Not from location to location
“They are also all locations where the refugees can stay for a longer period of time (six months or longer), so that we do not have to take them from location to location. They can relax at our locations with their possible relatives,” the security region said. .

For example, the region consciously chose not to use large sports halls as reception locations. Then the Ukrainians would have had to move to another place soon after arrival. “As humanely as possible reception meant that we were perhaps a little slower with the reception. But the advantage is now that refugees can continue to live where they have been placed. In addition, we do not have to work with large crisis emergency reception locations.”


These are the shelters for refugee Ukrainians in Brabant

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