Extra places in special education in Zwevegem, Kortrijk & Ypres

Extra places in special education in Zwevegem, Kortrijk & Ypres

For example, 1,000 extra places will be added in Flanders. And that’s good news, because there are often long waiting lists.

We have three schools in KortrijkOne in Ypres and also in a special education school in Zwevegem, The Climb-up. They will receive almost 500,000 euros, which means room for 15 more students.

“We are planning a new building. We are still in the former secondary education buildings. But we are going to build a new school. It should be ready for the 24-25 school year. And we had planned for 165 students there, so it It’s a nice bonus that we get an extra part subsidized.”
