Extra mRNA shot possible after Janssen vaccine and booster | news item

News item | 11-03-2022 | 14:30

People who have been vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine and who have received a booster at least three months ago can make an appointment from 16 March 2022 for an extra shot against corona. This is what Minister Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport writes to the House of Representatives. Dutch citizens who have received the Janssen vaccine and booster may now experience difficulties entering and using facilities in some countries. The reason for this is that in those countries one Janssen vaccination is no longer regarded as a complete basic vaccination. This can be solved by offering an extra shot with an mRNA vaccine.

People who have received one shot of Janssen and a booster have been fully vaccinated and boosted. This is sufficient for most countries that require a Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) upon entry. In some European countries, including Germany, this is not considered sufficient. As a result, Dutch people who have been vaccinated with Janssen and who have received a booster may experience difficulties in entering and accessing facilities in those countries.

Equal rules within the European Union

The government attaches great importance to facilitating the free movement of persons within the European Union. The barrier resulting from differences between Member States does not fit in with this.

According to the Health Council, an extra shot after the booster is not necessary for most people. But there is no objection either. That is why the cabinet has decided that people who have been vaccinated with Janssen and who have had a booster can receive the extra shot if they wish.

People who want to receive the extra jab can make an appointment by telephone with the GGD. Because there is no medical necessity for the extra jab, the GGD employee will ask when making the appointment whether there has been a well-considered choice.

Once the extra jab has been received, it can be included in the CoronaCheck app. The Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) for this injection is listed as 3/1. This is a European listing that allows travel and use of facilities with 2G or 2G+ policies.
