‘Extra money to combat poverty does not help, it is just sticking a band-aid’

The Assen single mother who has to live on a minimum income with benefits with two growing children says: “It is sometimes a struggle. You have to turn every dime and it requires creativity. To the market and various supermarkets, especially just before closing time because Then you have even more offers for products that are approaching their expiration date. It is always good to check the newspapers.”

“I am creative with dishes. Planning meals in a weekly schedule, cooking for two days. Creative with pasta and sausage with rice. And you can make a lot yourself with flour.”

“My children understand very well that they cannot do everything their friends can do. But at the same time it is difficult for them. I make possible for them what is possible. And a playground or the forest are free. It is what it is.”

The single mother is becoming an expert by experience. “I have been in debt restructuring myself. Then it is even more trial and error, first with 50 euros and later 70 euros a week. That does not give you a full shopping bag. And at the time a child in diapers cost a lot of money. “

“I heard from my children that there were classmates who did not get bread to school because there was no money. That never happened to my children. My daughter then shared her bread because she knows: even if you don’t have much, you share “I want to share my experiences with other low-income earners to help them make it easier. You can learn how to do as much as possible with little money.”

“I am training to become an expert by experience, associate degree level 5 (a two-year study at higher professional education level, ed.). I did an internship last year and now I am looking for work. But that’s difficult. Of course, I have my experience as a minimum wage, but no years of work experience.”

“I am fighting to make my own life better, even though sometimes things are made very difficult for me. I am really fighting for my future.”

The name, age and age of the children of the Assen single mother are known to the editorial staff of RTV Drenthe.
