Extra crowds at general practitioners due to increase in corona infections, “but we are not overflowing yet” Coronavirus what you need to know

“It was predicted,” says Van Giel. “With the schools reopening, we saw an increase in the number of infections at the end of September.” The GPs can still handle it, he continues. “In the long run you become used to it. It’s very busy, but we’re not overrun yet.”

Van Giel believes that two scenarios are possible in the near future. “Either two waves – of flu and Covid – are coming together and that would place a heavy burden on the system, including in hospitals. Either different waves alternate, from Covid, RSV (a virus that is one of the main causes of colds, something that can spread to the lower respiratory tract, especially in very young children, ed.), flu and weather Covid. Then we get many infections for months. We can handle that, but it would put a lot of pressure on the treatment of the chronic conditions. Let’s hope for a breather.”

The chairman of Domus Medica therefore reiterates his plea to limit administrative obligations, such as the certificate of incapacity for work from Covid. “There can be a long period of many infections. Anything that helps to ease administration is welcome. Why does someone with a positive PCR test still have to go to the doctor for a certificate?”
